Any ideas on this one?

  • @sinistral said:

    It could have been, if they had been using PowerShell. Score one for Mcrosoft (and look, Blakey, MS DOES have exactly what you're asking for. From the Start-Transaction cmdlet documention in Windows PowerShell:

    Yup. That's pretty much exactly it.

    So here's the difference between PowerShell and bash in a nutshell: PowerShell gives a fuck.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @blakeyrat said:

    @sinistral said:
    It could have been, if they had been using PowerShell. Score one for Mcrosoft (and look, Blakey, MS DOES have exactly what you're asking for. From the Start-Transaction cmdlet documention in Windows PowerShell:

    Yup. That's pretty much exactly it.

    So here's the difference between PowerShell and bash in a nutshell: PowerShell gives a fuck.

    That is pretty cool, although unexpectedly, reality is that it's probably not quite as simple as all that:

    @about_Transactions said:

    When you use transactions to change data, the data that is affected
    by the transaction is not changed until you commit the transaction.
    However, the same data can be changed by commands that are not
    part of the transaction.

    So it looks like there's no way to test external effects before committing or rolling back the transaction, so you better make sure you know how to test everything before committing. Of course, the DNS zone thing may not even have a transaction provider (which seems to be required). I wonder how much this facility gets used. And how useful it is in practice. Because I give a fuck.

    I could see some hilarity ensuing if different cmdlets try to start their own transactions and start stepping on each other or preventing the others from actually committing.

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