Web -20.0

  • (Sorry for czech texts)

  • ...Jesus H. Christ, this one has everything. The dozens of flashing .GIFs straight from the '90s, the creepy staring donkeys in the background, the seemingly randomly formatted text, the audio apparantly from the bowels of hell that plays exactly twice (seriously, check the source) every time you go back to the main page (http://hrubasy.cz/text%20dd-2.mp3)... oh, and let's not forget the <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">.

     Isn't there a law against this sort of thing?

     /EDIT: Oh, and I just noticed some pages are titled stuff "Neue Seite 2", implying they a) are too lazy/don't know how to set page titles and b) have a German copy of FrontPage, which is interesting because their German is... questionable, to say the least.

  • Did you watch the video? Oh... my...  I've never experienced a bad acid trip (or any other kind, really), but I imagine it must feel something like this.

    Strangely, near the end it becomes almost normal and watchable.

  • Man that site is awesome.  If you navigate to the other pages, there are a lot more entertaining videos, too.  Like this one: http://hrubasy.cz/www-peče.wmv

    I really love this:  .  Should I click, or not?  It says click, but looks like a stop sign.

  • 🚽 Regular

    Those Czechs are WILD AND CRAZY GUYS!

  • Well, next week is long weekend here (well, almost - the holiday is Thursday) and I know where I'm *not* going!

    On the other hand, I'm not all that suprised. Czech websites seem to be about 5 years or so behind the standard - with a few exceptions. Even a lot of large companies' websites are appalling.

  • @vyznev said:

    Did you watch the video? Oh... my...  I've never experienced a bad acid trip (or any other kind, really), but I imagine it must feel something like this.

    Strangely, near the end it becomes almost normal and watchable.

    Well, you should try it sometime

    It's fun.

    Actually you should try your first trip while surfing that site on a 42inch screen

    If you can, connect a webcam and broadcast yourself

  • @fatdog said:

    Well, you should try it sometime

    It's fun.

    Actually you should try your first trip while surfing that site on a 42inch screen

    If you can, connect a webcam and broadcast yourself


     You're trying to kill him, aren't you.

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