Christmas greetings from the nerds

  • As the days are getting darker and the landscape is coated by a white blanket of snow*, the christmas spirit takes hold of the land. And what better way has the admin of to show his feelings than to decorate the SMTP relay?

    If you have netcat or telnet at hand, connect to the (apparently) open mail relay, enter "xmas" and marvel at the wonders of the christmas spirit.

  • @PSWorx said:

    As the days are getting darker and the landscape is coated by a white blanket of snow*, the christmas spirit takes hold of the land. And what better way has the admin of to show his feelings than to decorate the SMTP relay?

    If you have netcat or telnet at hand, connect to the (apparently) open mail relay, enter "xmas" and marvel at the wonders of the christmas spirit.


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