<span class="wtf">title tag wtf</span>

  • Makes sense to me. A lot cheaper to reuse someone else's boxes than buy your own. Really don't see the WTF here.

  • @Flatline said:

    Really don't see the WTF here.

     Reuse someone else's span/title element while they were at it?

    I remember this kind of thing happening in the Netscape 3 days, at all bookmarks went straight into a bookmark.htm file so <b>tags</b> would be interpreted. Early XSS vulnerability :)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Flatline said:

    Really don't see the WTF here.

    You aren't looking hard enough. Not that it's particularly bad.


  • @PJH said:

    @Flatline said:
    Really don't see the WTF here.

    You aren't looking hard enough. Not that it's particularly bad.

    Yeah, totally missed that. You'd have thought that the thread title would have given it away, but oh no. I just assumed CS had fucked up. It's still not exactly a mindblowing WTF.

  • The only problem here is with the forum software allowing HTML in board names.

  • @MiffTheFox said:

    The only problem here is with the forum software allowing HTML in board names.

    No, the problem is with the forum software not stripping the HTML tags and not escaping HTML special characters before putting the board name into the title tag

    Allowing HTML in board names is the easiest way for them to make the word 'FREE' green. The only better solution would be to replace the board name input field with a rich text editor so the forum administrators wouldn't have to know HTML.

  • @julmu said:

    @MiffTheFox said:

    The only problem here is with the forum software allowing HTML in board names.

    No, the problem is with the forum software not stripping the HTML tags and not escaping HTML special characters before putting the board name into the title tag

    Allowing HTML in board names is the easiest way for them to make the word 'FREE' green. The only better solution would be to replace the board name input field with a rich text editor so the forum administrators wouldn't have to know HTML.


    Agreed.  A corollary to this WTF is that Firefox (and presumably other browsers) just treats HTML within the title element as if it has been properly escaped instead of puking on it.  Because of efforts like this, we are now stuck with two shitty markup formats: HTML tag soup where anything goes and XHTML that is so anal-retentive that the browsers just choose to treat all XHTML as tag soup and even the web developers who think they are writing standards-compliant XHTML probably aren't.

  • @Flatline said:

    You'd have thought that the thread title would have given it away, but oh no. I just assumed CS had fucked up.

    Usually that's a pretty safe assumption, I'll hand you that.
    @Flatline said:
    It's still not exactly a mindblowing WTF.


  • TRWTF is for once, IE6 managed to do something right! As soon as I checked (I'm on a school computer running XP-SP NONE with ie6 and NO updates ffs) it says "Yo! This page has a few errors in it. I proabably wont be able to render this page!" and it referenced that there were "Unrenderable tags" in the "TITLE element"

  • This is clearly a wrong beaviour. What the forum Authors intended to do was to make the word green even in title bar. Browser should allow that.

    Can you imagine the CSS styled select boxes in title bar? Web 3.0

  • @msntfs said:

    This is clearly a wrong beaviour. What the forum Authors intended to do was to make the word green even in title bar. Browser should allow that.

    Can you imagine the CSS styled select boxes in title bar? Web 3.0


    with that sort of sophisticated technology you wouln't even need to have a main page.  just put all the content in the title bar.

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