Plz send me teh codez, Redux

  • I NEED UR HELP <map name="codezes"> <area href="" shape="rect" coords="232,17,246,30"> <area href="" shape="rect" coords="278,17,413,30"> <area href="" shape="rect" coords="0,50,173,100"> </map>

  • Yes im also looking for good chess ai, if you figure it out, plz email tehm 2 me.

    Btw, I tried , but it not compileing in vb!!!  help!!!

  • @joeyadams said:

    Yes im also looking for good chess ai, if you figure it out, plz email tehm 2 me.

    Btw, I tried , but it not compileing in vb!!!  help!!!


    Damnit, I was this > < close to deleting your post.

  • McSmart clearly is his real name.

  • @joeyadams said:

    Btw, I tried , but it not compileing in vb!!!  help!!!

    You idiot! Crafty is wb, not vb! It will never be vb, or uci, for that matter.

  • If you want to see a terrifying deluge of questions like this, just check out the Programming section on Yahoo Answers.

  • @Someone You Know said:

    If you want to see a terrifying deluge of questions like this, just check out the Programming section on Yahoo Answers.

    I had never thought of going there before... but I really didn't need to get that depressed on a Monday morning.

  • @Giskard said:

    @Someone You Know said:

    If you want to see a terrifying deluge of questions like this, just check out the Programming section on Yahoo Answers.

    I had never thought of going there before... but I really didn't need to get that depressed on a Monday morning.

    A wise decision. 70-80% of the questions in the Programming section are not actually about programming at all; the majority of the rest refer to source code as "codes" or are copy-pasted homework questions (or both).

  • @Someone You Know said:

    Programming section on Yahoo Answers

    God no you made me click it. And I found this. Now I like the idea of using a mailto: link for a form action. But it made me visit the asker's site... Get Naked to Stop Global Warming?? Seriously?

    Not that it doesn't sound interesting...

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