I fucking hate macro hell!

  • @Mole said:

     BTW, How do you put a tool chain into source code control when said tool chain only works when properly installed (ie, running the setup.exe app). You can't just copy the files and expect them to work like GCC. I've tried that before and the first thing it complains about is licensing which I assume has options in the registry (I've always hated microsoft for implementing that). 



    wwe check in the toolchain dir as well as the install CD, if you have no joy then you can use the installer, but the $$$$ tool chain you can install the license manager seperatly from there web site (and maybe the cd i think).  Which reminds me i should check that in as well. 

    Once we installed the license key to the manager we can then run the .exe without install wherever we like. In the past the vendor has been good in supplying us with older cds as well.

    I think we will be pretty well covered to get the same tool chain - you never know as we once was like kermos, but then i became the boss and had to look for projects for people who left a while ago....

  • @Mole said:

    It's more along the lines of we have several big customers for some of our projects, some require much more functionality than others and so they have different hardware and different mcu's, so we use different compilers by different vendors (even though one vendor actually supports both platforms and would make things a lot easier as a result, but we have to work with what we've got. Maybe it's a cost issue considering it's $$$$ per platform). The code is 99% identical across all versions with the compiler detected and the appropriate compiler extensions used.

     Even if it was the same compiler though to be honest, it's still daft that the compiler treats "inline = forced" as optional. If we compiled it with low optimisation for debugging purposes the resulting code would randomly crash as some functions absolutely must be inlined no matter what. Its like the compiler thinks the only benefit of inlining is for optimisation when that clearly isn't the case. So still for us, theres no alternative I've found for macros yet.


    yes, i am still not sure why it does that. i wonder if - optomisation low for speed - would help but as you say eaiser and valid use for macro, no need for macro hell tho. Very interesting ......

    different hardware, mcus, compilers, tool chains but one project.... sucks to be you :)

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