Uhm ...

  • [code][/code]


    [code]<add key="showdevelopertools" value="true"/>[/code]


    I know english is not my native language so i hope there is someone out there that can translate this for me


    @coentje said:

    <font size="2" face="Lucida Console"><!--showdevelopertools = purpose is to show some development support tools When of or setting is not there this option does not do anything--></font>

     "The purpose of this setting is to show some development support tools. When this setting is off or does not exist, this option doesn't do anything." (well duh)

  • Nothing to translate; whoever wrote it either lost their train of thought after "When" or a significant portion of it got deleted. It's gibberish. Or someone else might realize "of" was meant to be "off", in which case I need more coffee.

  • I would guess it is trying to say "If this setting is true, Development Support Tools are displayed. If this setting is false or does not exist, the tools are hidden.

     That's assuming "of" = "off" = "false", and that "Doesn't do anything" means "Doesn't cause the tools to be displayed".

  • The whole comment is pretty unnecessary really.  It doesn't tell you anything beyond what the variable name already told you.  When showdevelopertools is true, the developer tools are shown.  When it's false they aren't.  And for some reason the comment even goes so far as to point out that nothing will happen if you omit this key entirely.  Thanks for the tip.

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