Simple AssemblyVersion/AssemblyFileVersion question...

  • Specifically, why is the AssemblyVersion attribute auto incrementable via the .NET framework but the AssemblyFileVersion isn't? It seems like it should be the other way around given your assembly interfaces probably won't change with every build but you probably want a way to distinguish binaries between different builds anyway. It also makes any hopes of servicability a total pain in the ass. On top of this, I don't see how the lack of auto-incrementability could not be annoying without migrating my VS2008 projects to MSBuild projects or something, which actually might not be a bad idea since MSI version numbers don't auto increment either. Oh if only I had the time/wasn't lazy...


    [assembly: AssemblyVersion("2.0.*")]
    [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("2.0.*")]


    Warning 1 Assembly generation -- The version '2.0.*' specified for the 'file version' is not in the normal '' format [redacted]

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