Lovely IE7 messages...

  • Working with Windows Sever 2008 - and trying to figure out how the "new" interface maps to the old and get this fine, helpful message...WTF is the last item...
    "If ASP.NET is not installed." then...???? (Profit???)

    <FIELDSET style="WIDTH: 966px; HEIGHT: 116px">


    <LEGEND>Most likely causes:</LEGEND>

    • It is possible that a handler mapping is missing. By default, the static file handler processes all content.
    • The feature you are trying to use may not be installed.
    • The appropriate MIME map is not enabled for the Web site or application. (Warning: Do not create a MIME map for content that users should not download, such as .ASPX pages or .config files.)
    • If ASP.NET is not installed.


  • @Auction_God said:

    Working with Windows Sever 2008

     Well THERE's your problem!


    Seriously though, it's probably just meaning "ASP.NET was not installed correctly".

  • @Auction_God said:

    Most likely causes:

    • If ASP.NET is not installed.

    In other words, "This can happen if ASP.NET is not installed."  The problem here is that they did not use parallel grammatical structures among the possible causes.  It would be clearer if they had worded it something like this:

    Most likely causes:

    • A handler mapping being missing. (further explanation here)
    • The feature you are trying to use not being installed.
    • The appropriate MIME map not being enabled for the Web site or application. (warning message here)
    • ASP.NET not being installed.


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