Spoiler for C++ prime challenge

  • Posted intentionally in a separate area from the challenge itself, for what it's worth.  This is my solution to the Prime Challenge twist (C++ challenge):

    <font style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" size="1">// =============================================================

    // Summary:

    // =============================================================

    // Divides          - Test for divisibility

    // Prime            - Test for primality

    // NextPrimeInRange - Looks for next prime number

    // PrimeList        - Collects the primes for reporting, and

    generates the error triggering output

    // SearchForPrimes  - Starts the prime list

    // =============================================================

    // =============================================================

    // Divides<a,b>::result is true if a divides b

    // =============================================================

    template <int a, int b, int isLess=false>

    struct Divides


       static const bool result = Divides< a, b-a, (b-a<a) >::result;


    // Termination case

    template <int a, int b>

    struct Divides<a, b, true> { static const bool result=b==0;};

    // =============================================================

    // Prime<test>::result is true if test is prime

    // =============================================================

    template <int test,

              int curtest=1+(test>>1),

              bool knownComposite=false,

              bool knownPrime=false>

    struct Prime


       static const bool result

          = Prime< test, curtest-1,

                   Divides<curtest, test>::result,

                   curtest<2 >::result;


    // Terminating case--if we searched everything, this is prime

    template<int test, int curtest, bool knownComposite>

    struct Prime<test, curtest, knownComposite, true>


       static const bool result = true;


    // Terminating case--if we found something that divides this,

    // this is composite

    template<int test, int curtest>

    struct Prime<test, curtest, true>


       static const bool result=false;


    // =============================================================

    // NextPrimeInRange<start,end>::result is the first prime

    // between start and end, if there is one, or is zero.

    // =============================================================

    template<int start, int end, bool found=false,bool eos=false>

    struct NextPrimeInRange


       static const int result

          = NextPrimeInRange<start+1, end,





    template<int start,int end,bool found>

    struct NextPrimeInRange<start,end,found,true>


       static const int result=0;


    template<int start,int end>

    struct NextPrimeInRange<start, end, true, false>


       static const int result=start-1;


    // =============================================================

    // Range is just a readability template for PrimeList

    // (only serves to make errors readable in certain compilers,

    //  such as MSVC)

    // =============================================================

    template<int rStart, int rEnd>

    struct Range


       static const int end=rEnd;


    // =============================================================

    // PrimeList<RESULT, Range<,end> > is a list of primes.

    // Each RESULT walks a prime, until the end of the range is

    // reached, at which case PrimeList generates an error

    // (by trying to access a private member).  The error displays

    // the resulting list of primes.

    // =============================================================

    template<int RESULT, typename InRange>

    struct PrimeList


       static const int result

          = PrimeList<NextPrimeInRange<RESULT+1,InRange::end>::result,



    template<typename EndOfSearch>

    class PrimeList<0,EndOfSearch>


       static const int result = 0;


    // =============================================================

    // SearchForPrimes<start,end> primes (pun intended) the search

    // by finding the next prime after start, and starting a

    // PrimeList.

    // =============================================================

    template<int start,int end>

    struct SearchForPrimes


       static const int result

          = PrimeList<NextPrimeInRange<start,end>::result,

    Range<start,end> >::result;


    int Result = SearchForPrimes<100,200>::result;

    int main() {return 0;}


  • Did you black it out on purpose or are the sinister (or kinky?) forum gods at it again?

  • Well, if you highlight the blacked-out text, you can see the code....

  • @Ulvhamne said:

    Did you black it out on purpose or are the sinister (or kinky?) forum gods at it again?

    On purpose--just believe it to generally be good form to make spoilers
    unreadable via casual viewing. In my mind, it's easy to accidentally
    click on a thread and glance at the spoiler, but it's pretty hard to
    accidentally click on the thread and highlight the spoiler.

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