Winamp message

  • Trying to remove a mp3 file from the winamp's library feature. I'm sorry, you're removing what? And how many? The file counter went crazy and advanced to 77K in a few seconds.. I'd pressed Cancel at 200K as this hard drive just has 50K files so now I owe files to winamp.


  • "Removing files that do not exist..."
    At least it's being honest...

  • TWTF (The WTF) is Winamp, at least for me. I used to use it but I couldn't tolerate the constant crashes while doing anything in AVS (the visualisation editor).

  • Garbage Person

     @immibis said:

    TWTF (The WTF) is Winamp, at least for me. I used to use it but I couldn't tolerate the constant crashes while doing anything in AVS (the visualisation editor).

    TRWTF is visualization. The only times I've ever used it, it was thrown up on projectors pointed at walls during parties.... And even then, we used Milkdrop rather than AVS...

  • I never managed to understand Milkdrop...

  • While viewing that pic I clicked all the "pictures similar to this one" and found... this one, which is similar to a particular shot in a recent Error'd :>

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