To make Cookie functionality turn it ON. How?



    another thread on sun's forums that seems to keep ressurcting itself somehow. how do they find an old thread, then bump it after 2 months and just ask "how do this" or "email me the codes for this". 

  • Occam's Razor...

    They find it after performing a search? 

  •  hey, it was a funny thread to read.


    why would u browse and post on a website on an IT related website where the communitty doesn't know how searching works..? <-- not a rhetorical question like the one you answered earlier.

  • @Vechni said:

     hey, it was a funny thread to read.


    why would u browse and post on a website on an IT related website where the communitty doesn't know how searching works..? <-- not a rhetorical question like the one you answered earlier.


    The shift button is your friend. As well as full words.

  • Did you guys even read the thread? How can you complain about a thread where this advice was posted?

    Just lean in really close to your computer and shout "COOKIE FUNCTIONALITY TURN ON!" Repeat as necessary.

  •  @Cap'n Steve said:

    Did you guys even read the thread? How can you complain about a thread where this advice was posted?
    Just lean in really close to your computer and shout "COOKIE FUNCTIONALITY TURN ON!" Repeat as necessary.

    I was about to quote it, till I read your reply...

    I also love: "See reply 8"



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    I love this thread.


  • @the thread said:

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  • Is that some kind of zombie? 

  •  @Eternal Density said:

    Is that some kind of zombie?

    Judging by the placement of the "???", probably a woman. :) 

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