I used this ASP code a long time ago :) (2001... I guess)

  • I was just reviewing some of my old work in ASP...

    I dont use ASP any longer, turned to PHP instead.

    I use Delphi more often for off-line solutions.


    Sorry for the big post... I am just curious :)

    Actualy only global.asa is messy...


    ::: global.asa :::


    Function FilterDomain(s)
     Dim p1, p2
     p1 = InStr(1,s,"www.",0)
     p2 = InStr(p1+1,s,".com",0)
     If p1 = 0 Then
      p1 = 1
      p1 = 5
     End If
     If p2 = 0 Then
      p2 = Len(s) + 1
     End If
     FilterDomain = Mid(s, p1, p2 - p1)
    End Function

    Function RegSub(sStr, sExp, sRep)
     Dim RegEx
     Set RegEx = New RegExp
     RegEx.Pattern = sExp
     RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
     RegEx.Global = True
     RegSub = RegEx.Replace(sStr,sRep)
    End Function

    Sub Session_OnStart()
     Dim s, sv, se

     On Error Resume Next
     If VarType(Application("local")) <> 8 Then

      se = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")
      's = RegSub(se, "[\D]", "")
      'If s = "" Then
       s = FilterDomain(se)
      'End If'
      Application("server") = s
      If ((s="pc1") or (s="localhost") or (s="")) Then
       sv = "local"
       Application("logpath") = "c:\webroot\mylogs\"
       Application("counterfile") = Application("logpath") &"counter.txt"
       Application("emailsfile") = Application("logpath") &"emails.txt"
       Application("errorsfile") = Application("logpath") &"errors.txt"
       Application("logfile") = Application("logpath") &"log"& right(year(now),2) & right(month(now)+100,2) & right(day+100,2) &".txt"
       Application("db") = "c:\webroot\db\db.mdb"
       Application("dbconn") = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="& Application("db") &";"
       Application("mailserver") = "smtp.server.TLD"
       sv = "server"
          Application("logpath") = "c:\aweb_apache\loja24com\mylogs\"
       Application("counterfile") = Application("logpath") &"counter.txt"
       Application("emailsfile") = Application("logpath") &"emails.txt"
       Application("errorsfile") = Application("logpath") &"errors.txt"
       Application("logfile") = Application("logpath") &"log"& Year(Date) & Right(Month(Date) + 100,2) & Right(Day(Date) + 100,2) &".txt"
       Application("db") = "c:\server_path\db\db.mdb"
       Application("dbconn") = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="& Application("db") &";"
       Application("mailserver") = "smtp.hostserver.TLD"
      End If
      Application("local") = sv
      Session.Timeout = 60
     End If
    End sub

    Sub Session_OnEnd()
    End sub




    ::: db.asp :::

    <FONT size=2>

    Function FastOpenDBRef(SQL, FilePath, ByRef Dados)

    Dim Conn, Erro, rs

    On Error Resume Next


    Err = 0

    Erro = 0

    'Response.Write "FilePath : "& FilePath &"<br>"

    'Response.Write "App(""conn"") : "& Application("dbconn") &"<br>"

    Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    If FilePath = "" Then

    Conn.Open Application("dbconn")


    Conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="& FilePath &";"

    End If

    Set rs = Conn.Execute(SQL)

    If (Err <> 0) Then

    'Response.Write "Erro #"& Err &" : "& Err.Description &"<br><br>"

    Erro = Err


    If (rs.eof) Then

    Erro = 1


    Dados = rs.GetRows

    End If

    End If


    Set rs = Nothing


    Set Conn = Nothing

    FastOpenDBRef = Erro

    End Function




    ::: default.asp :::


    Dim d

    Dim name, img

    SQL = "select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 from table;"

    <FONT size=2>

    If FastOpenDBRef(SQL,"",d) <> 0 Then


    No articles.



    nr = UBound(d,2)

    b = true

    f = 0

    Do While f <= nr

    name = d(1,f)

    img = d(2,f)

    ' test if is null ---> If IsNull(img) then img = ""

    If b = false Then

    ' imagine a table with colored rows --> Response.Write " bgcolor=""#ffffff"""


    ' imagine a table with colored rows --> Response.Write " bgcolor=""#f5f5f5"""

    End If


    Response.Write name & img


    b = Not b

    f = f + 1



    End If




    This buffered contents seemed faster at the time, do you have used such technics ?


    Or this is just one big WTF :D



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