To confirm, or not to confirm...

  • Nice to see the ASPPlayground.NET forum software has a friendly and non confusing way of letting a user know whether or not their account has been activated.

    Registration Result

    The e-mail has either been confirmed, or cannot be confirmed.

    Go to Forum Now?



  • Well, at least you know that it's either been confirmed or not and isn't in any sort of pending confirmation state :P

  • @Morbii said:

    Well, at least you know that it's either been confirmed or not and isn't in any sort of pending confirmation state :P
    Ah, but it is. If the activation fails and you try and log on, it tells you that your account is not yet activated and you should do so.

  • See, that's what you get for choosing "Schrodinger" as your username.

  • @BradleyS said:

    See, that's what you get for choosing "Schrodinger" as your username.


    You, sir, made me LOL at work, until I realized what a huge nerd I am for getting it :)

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