Interesting styling choices to say the least

  • I found this interesting JS application (a game actually) that supports a number of interesting "features" full source:

     Some of the magical features include random indentation at points, two elses for about 50 is ifs (no else ifs).  Every variable is stored in a form, all the visible ones are editable, oh and for kicks the code is double-spaced. A sample:



    if (1 > yourlife) {

    alert("YOU ARE DEAD") = "DEAD" = 0


    return false


    if (randum == 2) { = "Rabbit" = 1 = 8 = 6


    if (randum == 3) { = "Funky Chicken" = 2 = 8 = 8



     PS: For some reason code bbtags don't work, what should I be using instead?

  • randum.

    nuff said. 

  • I have some coworkers who double space their code. For the most part I don't know why. I can think of reasons to block code into paragraph-like chunks with whitespace fore and aft, but why double space every line?

  • @Lingerance said:

    I found this interesting JS application (a game actually) that supports a number of interesting "features" full source:

     Some of the magical features include random indentation at points, two elses for about 50 is ifs (no else ifs).  Every variable is stored in a form, all the visible ones are editable, oh and for kicks the code is double-spaced. A sample:

    if (1 > yourlife) {

    alert("YOU ARE DEAD") = "DEAD" = 0
    return false


     if (randum == 2) { = "Rabbit" = 1 = 8 = 6
     if (randum == 3) { = "Funky Chicken" = 2 = 8 = 8
    }</pre><p>&nbsp;PS: For some reason code bbtags don't work, what should I be using instead?<br></p><p></blockquote></p><p>An actual &lt;pre&gt; tag in HTML might work, testing.</p><p>Anyway - obviously it's double-spaced so if they need to add something later they don't have to change all the line numbers.&nbsp;</p>

  • Random832! Your avatar! What have you d

  • @Welbog said:

    I can think of reasons to block code into paragraph-like chunks with whitespace fore and aft

    That's what I do. I also include a comment at the top of the "chunk". Double-spacing every line would just give me a headache and make it really hard to look through.

  • @PSWorx said:


    nuff said. 

    More like "Randum and Randumber" if you ask me!


     Also I am likink bstorer's avatar and also psworx's. Very clever u guise.


  • i like 

     if (1 > yourlife)

     just one of those odd quirks.  Nothing wrong with it, just most people I know would have written

    if (yourlife < 1)

     kind like:  for(int i = 0; strLength > i; i++) , there's nothing wrong with it, but who writes like that?

  • ::performs an UPDATE query on the universe so as to reverse Random832's icon::

    (, I really need a life. And I just switched to the Nagato-san icon a couple weeks ago too.)

  • @codeman38 said:

    ::performs an UPDATE query on the universe so as to reverse Random832's icon::

    (, I really need a life. And I just switched to the Nagato-san icon a couple weeks ago too.)

    You could try a greasemonkey script. That comes pretty close to UPDATE'ing the universe. 

  • @codeman38 said:

    ::performs an UPDATE query on the universe so as to reverse Random832's icon::

    (, I really need a life. And I just switched to the Nagato-san icon a couple weeks ago too.)

     I hear that'll work better if executed from an IP based in Canada.

  • Canada? That's gotta be fake!

  • Finally managed to get it to reverse as suggested... the old one got all pixel-y anyway, I couldn't even change it, then I had to defeat some kind of giant bug and then suddenly changing it worked.


  • Doublespacing happens when you save text in editors that are using different line endings. (if editors aren't very smart)

  • Speaking of broken text editors, here's a WTF I stumbled upon today: you can't undo a find/replace all in Notepad. It only undoes the last one changed. Not to mention that it takes a noticeable amount of time to complete on a file that isn't even very big!

  • @Welbog said:

    I have some coworkers who double space their code. For the most part I don't know why. I can think of reasons to block code into paragraph-like chunks with whitespace fore and aft, but why double space every line?

     They're probably liberal arts students. All liberal arts papers are double spaced.

  • This code looks a lot like the stuff I wrote long before I hit puberty.

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