Page not found when page really is there.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    I was logged in when the forum was update. The forum update helpfully killed all login sessions (or at least mine). Thankssssssss.

    So it popped up the "hey shitfucker, you ain't logged in no more (OK)" prompt. I clicked OK, and it redirected me back to the exact same URL I was on, which is:

    And I got the red "This page ain't no not exist nor nothing" error.

    I assume because the not-logged in role doesn't have pagination, and NodeBB is too stupid to handle a pagination URL when nonpagination is on, because NodeBB probably has completely different URL handling blocks in the "if pagination do THIS else do THAT" because NodeBB devs love to copy/paste code then let it diverge.

  • @Lorne-Kates said in Page not found when page really is there.:

    NodeBB is too stupid to handle a pagination URL when nonpagination is on,

    Seems to work ok (for certain definitions of ok). I tried adding ?page=1 to this topic's URL and it just showed the topic. With ?page=174 on this topic, it still showed the topic but without any posts.

  • @Lorne-Kates page size. If you're not logged in, it's 50, and there is no page 174.

    Also, ?page=174 overrides /3480. It's looking for post 174 * 50, which doesn't exist.

  • @anotherusername It's Discoursistent on that too in infini-mode. I just tried ?page=174 with a post url (topic/22798/blahblah/2?page=174) and it showed all the posts like normal, unlike what I had seen with just the topic url (topic/22798/blahblah?page=174)

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