One liners that make you giggle

  • @flycrg said:

    found this one yesterday while working on an interface

     float cum_log_lik_ratio;


    I bet your "cum log" likes "ratio interfaces" too. 

  • @Cap'n Steve said:

    while (is_computer_on() && !is_computer_on_fire())

    Some people I know named a server fire, leading to numerous 'jokes' along the theme (stuff on fire, fire in the attic, etc etc)

  • Hungarian notation makes for some interesting ones.  (I know, I know, "The real WTF..." -- but I'm forced to use it where I work.)

     For example, using ATL, a smart pointer to an IUnknown might end up like this:

     CComPtr<IUnknown>        _spUnkInner;

     Any Brits out there will find this amusing, in a juvenile sort of way.


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