Nasa's Spinoff Tech search query

  • This happened when I searched it with a blank search to get all results: 


    This is the search report for the search you ran on Feb 20 15:52:45 2007.
    It is a temporary file, and will expire about an hour after the search.


    Searching /home2/wais/database/index/spinoffs...

    Your query:

      ($$NOPTOKEN$$) AND (ti=($$NOPTOKEN$$)) AND (ch=($$NOPTOKEN$$)) AND (pb=($$NOPTOKEN$$)) AND (pg=($$NOPTOKEN$$)) AND (ct=($$NOPTOKEN$$)) AND (or=($$NOPTOKEN$$)) AND (co=($$NOPTOKEN$$)) AND (st=($$NOPTOKEN$$)) AND (te=($$NOPTOKEN$$)) AND (ab=($$NOPTOKEN$$))

    is equivalent to:

      (((((((((((<nothing> ) AND (ti = (<nothing> ))) AND (ch = (<nothing> ))) AND (pb = (<nothing> ))) AND (pg = (<nothing> ))) AND (ct = (<nothing> ))) AND (or = (<nothing> ))) AND (co = (<nothing> ))) AND (st = (<nothing> ))) AND (te = (<nothing> ))) AND (ab = (<nothing> )))

    and was interpreted as:

    ( AND
        ( AND
           ( AND
              ( AND
                 ( AND
                    ( AND
                       ( AND
                          ( AND
                             ( AND
                                ( <nothing>

                                   ( ti

                                ( ch

                             ( pb

                          ( pg

                       ( ct

                    ( or

                 ( co

              ( st

           ( te

        ( ab


    The database contains 168,775 words in 1,554 documents.
    The database contains the following fields:
    title ti - The Spinoff Title
    chapter ch - Chapter
    publication pb - Publication
    page pg - Page
    center ct - Center
    origin or - Origin
    company co - Company Name
    address ad - Company Address
    state st - State Abbr
    phone ph - Phone Number
    terms te - Terms
    abstract ab - Abstract

    The search found -2 documents.  It took less than a second.


    The search was performed by WAIS Inc technology:  WAISgateII 1.0.5.
    For more information send email to


    Atleast it's nested :P

  • I really want to see the -2 files that claims to have returned.

  • @BradleyS said:

    I really want to see the -2 files that claims to have returned.

    I think what that actually means is that it grabbed 2 files off the user's harddrive and added them to the database ...


  • No, it means that they have two anti-matter documents on the server. The next person to upload two normal matter documents will witness them annihilate each other, releasing energy enqual to their combined mass.

    Just be glad that it didn't find sqrt(-2) documents - we'd then be dealing with imaginary documents, implying that the server is concious.

  • It wouldn't show me the -2 results. I tried to find it but... Ah well.


    edit: I'm not suprised it took less than a second to find -2 files.

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