Guy recreates $1.4 million TSA app in 10 minutes

  • @Polygeekery said in Guy recreates $1.4 million TSA app in 10 minutes:

    The guy who gets pissy about profiling

    When did I say that? Quote me. I dare you.

  • @Polygeekery While it's not fair to say that the TSA are all failed marines, I'd like to point out a couple things.

    TSA agents get about 2 weeks of training, and up until february of this year it was all on the job in their destination airport. See here. Particularly chilling?

    The goal is to bring all 45,000 transportation security officers here over the next several years.

    Since January(2016!) their intercept rate on internal tests has gone up to more than 50%. I'm so proud. They say 'the vast majority', so maybe 75%?

    Forgive me but these motherfuckers are empirically bad at their jobs.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @AyGeePlus You're preaching to the choir. I think the TSA are incompetent and useless. Just security theatre. Psychological masturbation.

    But I have also never said that profiling should never be done.

  • @Polygeekery said in Guy recreates $1.4 million TSA app in 10 minutes:

    But I have also never said that profiling should never be done.

    No; you're too busy lying about stuff I've never said. You fucking lying liar. Pants continually on fire.

  • @blakeyrat until I see otherwise, I don't believe there's anything you aren't pissy about.

  • FoxDev

    @anotherusername He's pretty fond of Mac Classic and Marathon

  • @anotherusername said in Guy recreates $1.4 million TSA app in 10 minutes:

    @blakeyrat until I see otherwise, I don't believe there's anything you aren't pissy about.

    Yes. Obviously the problem here is that I'm pissy. Not that people on this forum just fucking blatantly lie about the opinions of other forum members.

    (Although in this case, I see he ran off to mommy, wetting himself, when I asked that he provide some kind of quote to back up his claim. Which of course he could not do. Since his claim was a blatant lie.)

    If you, like Intercourse, are trying to make me look like a hypocrite, well, maybe spend a few seconds determining I actually hold the opinion you're accusing me of being hypocritical about in the first place.

  • @Polygeekery You probably should say that.

    I'll say that, in fact.

    'Racial/ethnic/religious profiling will never increase security at any checkpoint, and will only arm terrorists with propaganda material.'

    The only provably semi-effective techniques are explosive sniffers(mechanical or dog, doesn't matter much) and highly trained, experienced peoplewatchers with the authority/time to chat to people for a few minutes if they have to. That's how the Israeli airports do it. Unfortunately, these people are expensive.

    Join me in fantasy land where literally 100% of terrorists all have blue eyes. Every single one, throughout all of history. Now: you can extra screen all blue-eyed people, but treating blue-eyed people like terrorists just lowers the barrier to them becoming terrorists, because why not? Your own country already treats you like one. What have you got to lose? Sure, you catch more of the terrorists there are for less money, but terrorist organizations have extremely high turnover. ISIS doesn't provide 401k matching or health insurance. (the 'isis postergirls' lasted less than one year before one was killed for some internal infraction) They live and die by recruitment. Constant, aggressive recruitment. They feed on resentment and helplessness. Profiling a thousand people to catch one terrorist(and the real ratios are way lower) creates one terrorist and five people who'll just look the other way about their friend who believes America is the great Satan. Even in this world where you can catch 100% of terrorists by screening blue-eyed people more thoroughly it still puts you two steps backwards for every step forwards!

    The perception of America as a free place where you can live in peace with any religion or skin color is our most important national security tool. It's also in the goddamn constitution, if practicality doesn't sway you.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @RaceProUK said in Guy recreates $1.4 million TSA app in 10 minutes:

    He's pretty fond of Mac Classic and Marathon

    And HyperCard. Don't forget about HyperCard.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @blakeyrat said in Guy recreates $1.4 million TSA app in 10 minutes:

    No; you're too busy lying about stuff I've never said. You fucking lying liar. Pants continually on fire.

    What is your opinion on profiling then? That way I can bookmark this post for the next time you get pissy.

  • @AyGeePlus said in Guy recreates $1.4 million TSA app in 10 minutes:

    treating blue-eyed people like terrorists just lowers the barrier to them becoming terrorists


    Right, like a mentally-balanced, sane individual has ever become a terrorist because "well, I'm already treated like I are one, so why not".

  • @anotherusername It does lower the barrier. It's still a fucking high barrier on account of the dying but it does lower it.

    Whether you think only a fraction of the population is susceptible to terrorist ideology or not, giving them extra propaganda ammunition is a Bad Thing. Even if it's five guys in basements nationwide they should still be worrying about the moon landing, not the Great Satan.

    I'm not sure what you're getting at here. Mentally-balanced sane individuals don't really become terrorists. Where do you think they come from?

  • @AyGeePlus said in Guy recreates $1.4 million TSA app in 10 minutes:

    Forgive me but these motherfuckers are empirically bad at their jobs.

    Look, if we paid them well enough to be good at their job the cost of the TSA would be so excessive that not even the pretense of security would keep them operating. That's the reason they're security officers and not LEOs.

  • @AyGeePlus said in Guy recreates $1.4 million TSA app in 10 minutes:

    They say 'the vast majority', so maybe 75%?

    This is government. It's 51%.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @AyGeePlus said in Guy recreates $1.4 million TSA app in 10 minutes:

    Whether you think only a fraction of the population is susceptible to terrorist ideology or not, giving them extra propaganda ammunition is a Bad Thing.

    This line of argument has never terribly impressed me.

  • Garbage Person

    To be fair, Ive seen this app do things other than left/right. I've had it tell the human to direct me to the precheck line instead (which is basically pre-9/11 security mode).

    The human is allowed discretion to tell the app to bugger off if one line is hopelessly backed up because of people who don't understand shoes. I think they tell it that they did it, and it gets logged and shit. It's not just a coin flipper.

    It's a coin flipper with sprinkles.

  • @AyGeePlus Someone who becomes a terrorist because they felt unfairly like they were singled out for extra scrutiny in a security line would've probably felt like that at some point in their life anyway. With that short a fuse, just about anything could set them off.

  • @Polygeekery said in Guy recreates $1.4 million TSA app in 10 minutes:

    What is your opinion on profiling then?

    I don't have one.

  • @anotherusername Sure, but there's only a few ways to set people like that off that involve bombs and planes and shit. Sometimes fair treatment by your own government means that instead of flying to Yemen for training and resources they scream at a jamba juice employee.

    Anyway, all of this is missing the point. The empirical nitty-gritty is fun, but murky. The real reason not to profile people in security lines is that it's un-American. It goes against everything this country stands for.


    This line of argument has never terribly impressed me.

    The two reasons I have that profiling is stupid are a) it's ethically wrong and b) it's not even helpful. Maybe you think the particular R0 for terrorism as a contagious problem is different(you're allowed, we don't have quantifiable numbers for the amount of resentment generated worldwide by the TSA) but there is an effect and one worth looking at. Especially because the only reason there are still violent extremists of any kind is because they keep being made. They don't last long.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @AyGeePlus said in Guy recreates $1.4 million TSA app in 10 minutes:

    The two reasons I have that profiling is stupid are a) it's ethically wrong and b) it's not even helpful.

    That's way too general of a statement to take seriously. It depends entirely on what's being profiled. You can make a case for or against a particular situation, but to say "no profiling" is just being silly.

    @AyGeePlus said in Guy recreates $1.4 million TSA app in 10 minutes:

    Maybe you think the particular R0 for terrorism as a contagious problem is different(

    I think the other reasons vastly outweigh profiling at airports or by law enforcement in general or even the existence of something like Guantanamo.

  • @boomzilla I specified ethnic and religious earlier. Stuff like 'that motherfucker looks nervous as hell, but he's not afraid of flying' is definitely something you should worry about. Terrorists are never cool as a cucumber(they've never done it before, obv). The underwear bomber couldn't light his underwear bomb because he sweat so much it got soaked. I can't even imagine being that sweaty.

    Gitmo besides its PR problems is basically terrorist college. Take a bunch of radical extremists who haven't met, put them with some dudes with an axe to grind with America, let them all swap notes. and share experiences. Give them lots of free time. What a good idea that is. Now that it exists it can't really be undone easily, of course. I have no idea what to do about that particular gordian knot.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @AyGeePlus said in Guy recreates $1.4 million TSA app in 10 minutes:

    I specified ethnic and religious earlier.

    I retract nothing.

    @AyGeePlus said in Guy recreates $1.4 million TSA app in 10 minutes:

    Gitmo besides its PR problems is basically terrorist college. Take a bunch of radical extremists who haven't met, put them with some dudes with an axe to grind with America, let them all swap notes. and share experiences. Give them lots of free time. What a good idea that is. Now that it exists it can't really be undone easily, of course. I have no idea what to do about that particular gordian knot.

    That's a general problem with prison. Alternatively, we could just kill them like we do now, which has its own pros and cons. And it doesn't matter at all unless we let them go, which I've never figured out why we'd do that with most of these guys.

  • @AyGeePlus said in Guy recreates $1.4 million TSA app in 10 minutes:

    Grab the arrow icons from the source or the disassembly or whatever and write your own, but extra racist version. Slide with two fingers for scary brown person, one finger to randomly sort. Who's going to notice that?

    Or just turn the iPad upside down.

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