Windows 10 automatically installing :shit:

  • @flabdablet said:

    Or perhaps Ukrainian English might be even better.

    So it's localized for English, French, Italian and German, and if you live in a country that uses any other language, you have to use English, because screw you if you happen to be a French-speaking Belgian. Unless you happen to live in one of the many countries that aren't on the list at all, in which case screw you because Australian lives don't matter.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @hifi said:

    Usually it failed to find any drivers anyway.


    public Driver CheckInternetForDrivers(HardwareSignature hsIn)
        // TODO: finish this
        DateTime s = DateTime.Now();
        int noop;
        while(abs(DateDiff(seconds, s, DateTime.Now()) < 120) // using abs because I can never remember which date goes first
            noop = 69; // lol
        return null;

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