Fucking alphabet, how does it work?

  • @Onyx said:

    December being the 12th month of the year is enough of a mindfuck already!

    Damn Julius and Augustus! Why'd they have to shift September through December and confuse everything? Why not just replace September and October and have November through Duodecber? 🚎

  • They didn't, really. The year used to start in March under the Romans (it being the month of the war god Mars, after all, and the Romans were into that sort of thing), which made September through December an accurate numeration of the months in the Roman year.


  • @slavdude said:

    They didn't, really. The year used to start in March under the Romans (it being the month of the war god Mars, after all, and the Romans were into that sort of thing), which made September through December an accurate numeration of the months in the Roman year.


    Sorry. Guess I should have blamed the two-faced Roman God Janus[1] and the Roman purification feast of februa. I still hold that they could have renamed September through December when January and February became the first months of the year under Numa or the Decemvirs around 450 BC. Imagine, Halloween on December 31 and Christmas on Duodecber 25.

    [1] Among other things, he was the god of beginnings and transitions. Appropriate for the first month of the year.

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    Backwards compatibility.

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