In Soviet Reddit, you ban Russia

  • @ben_lubar said:

    static_upgrade_mode: OPPORTUNISTIC
    static_sts_include_subdomains: true
    static_sts_observed: 1438982234
    static_pkp_include_subdomains: true
    static_pkp_observed: 1438982234
    static_spki_hashes: sha1/vq7OyjSnqOco9nyMCDGdy77eijM=,sha1/Q9rWMO5T+KmAym79hfRqo3mQ4Oo=,sha1/wHqYaI2J+6sFZAwRfap9ZbjKzE4=

    Why would it have hashes in there if it wasn't going to check them?

    Hashing is part of cert pinning, not HSTS per-se.

    Edit: and even then, all you're indicating are the fingerprints of the valid root CAs, not your identity.

  • @anonymous234 said:

    In a few years they'll all be connecting through 4G and bypassing everything, and you'll be forced to tell them to install some "nanny" software on their phones anyway.

    Why? Why is it your responsibility to censor their net if you are not the one who provides access?

  • Simple. Because the parents and school board demand it.

  • @anonymous234 said:

    Simple. Because the parents and school board demand it.

    That will likely lead to a clbuttic "Pay for your cake and don't eat it too" scenario: Don't you fucking dare to meddle with the property of our kids, but by all means prevent them from having access to any smut!

  • I wonder whether all 4! permutations of Russia, you, ban, Reddit will be used in the title.

    Like "In Soviet you, Reddit russias Ban1"?

    1I hope the UN Secretary-General won't feel overly offended.

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