Sql server 2005 weird issue...

  • <font color="#191970" face="Verdana">Hi

    Im using SQL Server 2005 and am having a strange problem... I get the following error when trying to modify any data on row 1 on a specific table, I cant edite/delete any of the values for ANY column.. and I cant delete the row (I get the same error)
    All of the data types are OK as the same data in another row is fine... Any ideas?

    screenshot of error: </font><font color="#00008b" face="Verdana">http://david.exact3ex.co.uk/error.gif </font>

    <font color="#191970" face="Verdana">Thanks in advance.



  • [quote user="devy"]<font color="#191970" face="Verdana">Hi

    Im using SQL Server 2005 and am having a strange problem... I get the following error when trying to modify any data on row 1 on a specific table, I cant edite/delete any of the values for ANY column.. and I cant delete the row (I get the same error)
    All of the data types are OK as the same data in another row is fine... Any ideas?

    screenshot of error: </font><font color="#00008b" face="Verdana">http://david.exact3ex.co.uk/error.gif </font>

    <font color="#191970" face="Verdana">Thanks in advance.



    The data truncation part of the message gives you the answer. You're doing something with data that's too large to fit within one of the columns.

    You might try asking your question (with DDL of your table and the data and SQL you're using) in the forums at SQLTeam.com.


  • That was my first thought, however the same data in a different column works without any problem...

    Also I dont see how that would affect my ability to delete the row?

    Besides the data that Im changing is an int value changing it from 1 to... 2 dont see why truncation would be needed??

  • Check your triggers.

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