Random Rant of the night.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @xaade said:

    She played the idiot well. The character was terrible, but the acting was good.

    I'll grant you that, but I don't like watching idiots.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @xaade said:

    I mean, he's really just playing cold war, then lying about it when confronted.

    It's pretty obvious the writers have a problem, because they project a desire for pacifism onto the doctor, then write stories where they can't justify that.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    I'm certainly not one to jump on SJW sorts of crusades, but if it'll help get the damn bikes off the road, I at least won't fight it:

    [T]wo years in, Citi Bike’s inroads [into spreading the benefits of biking] have been decidedly uneven, with men far outnumbering women in using the bike-sharing system
    But Citi Bike believes the gender imbalance is a problem. As a problem, it needs a solution, and the idea now is to get more women to use the Citi Bike system.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    I think I've seen this movie: Clearly, the way to fix the problem is to enforce gender quotas and not let men on the bikes.

  • Then they let it build up until he loses it and goes commando on everyone.
    Then he plays Pilate and washes his hands of it, and we go along like nothing happened.

    Until that one episode where someone tells him "The word Doctor is being used for warrior in some cultures."

    There's no logical justification for this show really, in a show that's supposed to primarily be logical.

    Why do I keep watching it?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @FrostCat said:

    It's pretty obvious the writers have a problem, because they project a desire for pacifism onto the doctor, then write stories where they can't justify that.

    I'm at least a year behind what BBC America shows, so maybe my impression is out of date, but I've always assumed they thought they were demonstrating something along the lines of the pen being mightier than the sword. Obviously that's not how it comes across, at least to me.

    But I guess if we can convince the bad guys to not just shoot us on sight because they're afraid of...something...it could work.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @xaade said:

    Why do I keep watching it?

    I mainly do out of nostalgia at this point.

    The old show had far better writers, because it wasn't inflicted with writers who wanted to write superhero stories.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @boomzilla said:

    I'm at least a year behind what BBC America shows

    How do you manage that when it's simulcast now and has been for a few years?

    And of course there's torrents, but a guy who can't even carry his phone from room to room and wears an onion on his belt probably doesn't get thos.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @FrostCat said:

    How do you manage that when it's simulcast now and has been for a few years?

    It's been sitting on my DVR for that long. We're currently going through the back log of the "new" seasons with the kids on Netflix. I wasn't sure if they were still delaying the release or not. It's always just been something that shows up on the DVR and we watch it or we don't...and I was vaguely aware that it was released later here than in Britain.

  • One reaction might be: People do what they like. Leave them alone. Not
    every program needs to benefit the sexes equally, and it's okay to do
    something for the men sometimes.

    That's a weird slip.
    Are the bike programs restricting access to men?

    If you have more women riders, that means it’s convenient and safe.

    OMG... are they promoting a gender role?

    “practical chic”

    That's what I thought.
    It's popular to show gender equity. We don't care about the issue, we want to be hip and cool.

    We have to strike a balance.

    Too many men and the program appears to be designed for men, and therefore sexist.

    Too many women and the program appears to be a place for women to fall into because of social pressures that they are second class, and therefore sexist. (nursing) People might suggest that women can't afford cars and therefore bike, and that is because they are underpaid.

    But not having women says that biking is not safe.

  • @xaade said:

    I think Donna did alright as far as acting goes. She played the idiot well. The character was terrible, but the acting was good.

    Ignoring the fucking TERRIBLE Christmas special with the giant spider...

    Donna's entire arc is that she goes over the course of the season from a shrill, selfish, angry irritating person to a genuinely good person whose anger is redirected at those who genuinely deserved it-- then here memory is wiped and she starts back at square one. I mean that's the point. So if you found the character annoying in the first few appearances, well, congratulations.

    Anyway, she was in a lot of the best episodes of the new series, notably Turn Left, which was amazing.

    @boomzilla said:

    I'm at least a year behind what BBC America shows, so maybe my impression is out of date, but I've always assumed they thought they were demonstrating something along the lines of the pen being mightier than the sword. Obviously that's not how it comes across, at least to me.

    I think you're right about the intent, the problem is he solves all his problems via some combination of:

    • Immortality (having seen all these aliens before and knowing their weaknesses)
    • Super-science (sonic screwdriver, fully-functional time machine, etc)
    • Incredible luck (a.k.a. every season finale's deus ex machina)
    • Writers running out of ideas and writing complete bullshit that isn't even worthy of being called "deus ex machina", like if enough cellphones call the same number at the same time it sends a magical telepathic beacon into another dimension

    He's also extremely uneven about the application of violence according to rules the audience is never communicated. For example, blowing up the sycorats who were about to murder like 1/3rd of the population = bad. Shooting tanks at the spider queen's space ships in that awful Donna Noble Christmas special = good. Figure out the difference.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @blakeyrat said:

    Figure out the difference.

    Yeah, you have to totally give up on any sort of coherence in the details and just enjoy the ride. Or change the channel.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    sycorats who were about to murder like 1/3rd of the population

    However, as the Sycorax ship was leaving Earth, Harriet Jones ordered Torchwood to fire at it with a salvaged alien ray weapon, from a Jathaa sunglider, destroying it. (TV: The Christmas Invasion)
    The Sycorax used an on-board energy detectors to detect this threat.
    They realised that they would die and so placed a curse upon Earth. (PROSE: The Final Darkness)

    They were honorably retiring from their original plan. So impending doom averted. Doctor was mad that they were killed unnecessarily after he solved the problem.

    The problem with the Doctor's logic, and he should know better, is that history proves that this is never the end of the conflict. The aggressors almost always return.

    And ironically, he treats the Daleks with this knowledge. And never accepts surrender from them.

    And yet, he gets pissed off at Earth for doing the same.

    That's the ultimate problem with his morality. He decides, and you agree. If you disagree, then.... you're just wrong.... because... Doctor.

  • Yeah, but the thing is, there isn't much difference. The stories do a better or worse job of remembering about it, but the overarching theme is that he's a tad bit of a hypocrite, especially with the whole pacifism thing.

    How many times have the companions had to serve as the conscience? And then there's the whole half-season 10th's god complex thing. And Capaldi's run, which boils down to the point that he's a bloody egoist.

    And it's fine, since it makes the character somewhat more complex than Golden Age's Superman. The point at which the show won me over is when Eccleston basically wanted to wipe the floor with that Dalek in front of him. Because it made the Doctor more human than if he had simply forgiven all the wrongs, JC style (and also because Eccleston was pretty awesome in that episode).

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    And Capaldi's run, which boils down to the point that he's a bloody egoist.

    He's more than just that, if you pay close attention. For example, in the Moon episode, he forced Clara and the others to make a decision, rather than doing it for them. There's a subtle undercurrent in the entire season, I don't quite know how to describe it, but he's making people notice the world instead of telling them about it. He reminds me, somehow, of the original show, much more than the last three, and I like that.

  • Yeah, there was that too. And quite a few other instances where the Doctor is the source of the drama for the week.

    But it's still nicely ambiguous - was he right to force that decision? Is nearly traumatizing your companion worth proving a point? It's debatable at best.

  • I'm watching on Netflix's schedule so I haven't seen Capaldi's run yet.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    But it's still nicely ambiguous - was he right to force that decision? Is nearly traumatizing your companion worth proving a point? It's debatable at best.

    Yeah. I'm just saying I like him better than the last few guys.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @xaade said:

    Then they let it build up until he loses it and goes commando on everyone.

    I'd rather he wore pants.


    @Jaloopa said:

    Of course the black guy has the massive gun.


    @Jaloopa said:

    association between blacks and gun crime

    Oh I was making a different association

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Luhmann said:

    Oh I was making a different association

    I can't figure out if that's a micro or macro aggression.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    Oh man my favorite action figure as a kid was Jake. "Jake?" Yeah he guested on like 2 episodes of Doctor Who once. His entire plot line resolved around confusing Mickey with Ricky.

    I had a school friend who had this Six Million Dollar Man action figure

  • Ah, yes, Oscar Goldman, the Jewish male-pattern-hair-loss Robin the Boy Wonder. The ur-Phil Coulson.


    @boomzilla said in Random Rant of the night.:

    @Luhmann said:

    Oh I was making a different association

    I can't figure out if that's a micro or macro aggression.


    filled udder: FBMAC'ED

  • Fake News

    @Luhmann said in Random Rant of the night.:

    filled udder: FBMAC'ED

    I don't think so, the thread wasn't ripe enough.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @JBert said in Random Rant of the night.:

    @Luhmann said in Random Rant of the night.:

    filled udder: FBMAC'ED

    I don't think so, the thread wasn't ripe enough.

    I hear that these days there are pills for premature FBMACulation

  • Considered Harmful

    @JBert said in Random Rant of the night.:

    @Luhmann said in Random Rant of the night.:

    filled udder: FBMAC'ED

    I don't think so, the thread wasn't ripe enough.

    7 years is plenty old (inb4 law enforcement)

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