Flat Earthering! With Timezones!

  • @boomzilla said:

    but on something like "Let's invade Iraq," they knew.

    Like Nanci voting for waterboarding, because again they're going to act the same way regardless, then when it became unpopular, forgetting she voted on it or claiming she didn't understand what it meant.

    When she had the 5th grade picture edition on her desk.

    That's what I'm talking about here.

    They don't read the bills, vote on them, then complain later that they didn't understand what they were voting on. Plausible deniability only works if you have the plausible part.

    Then when it comes to their bills, they are so convinced it will work, that they bar people from reading the bill??? (even though we all had public access to it).

    That's what I'm saying.

    Even if I were to disagree with their mentality and policies, it's all for naught because they aren't doing their jobs anyway.

    It's like telling a teacher that her methodologies are stupid after she describes them, when you find out that she comes to class and takes naps every day.

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