Keyboard shortcuts not working?

  • Not filing as a bug yet because I might be doing things wrong.

    So ... how do you use them?
    ? works fine. So do many others.
    Not seeing a "reply to topic" button while reading something in the middle of a topic (t/1000, later tried again in the middle of the bad ideas thread), I tried to hit Shift R and ... nothing happened. I then tried some other combinations, like Shift S (Also nothing), f (yup, nothing) , = (works!) and , ? again (also works!).

    So, how do I Star/Share/Reply while in the middle of a topic?


    @aliceif said:

    Not filing as a bug yet because I might be doing things wrong.

    We're all Doing It WrongTM, but that doesn't mean it's not a bug.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    The one that I commonly use is working: gf

  • Banned

    This post is deleted!

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