Bot Duel!

  • @accalia said:

    screen bash "while true; do python; done;"

    @algorythmics said:

    hey, don't forget the constant references to rape gangs.

    EXPORT RAPE=python
    while true; GANG RAPE; done;

  • @cartman82 said:

    I can't believe you made me read through 10 pages of this crap for the context. I almost wish the pagination is back so I have an excuse to stop.

    Not really the help I was looking for, but it did make me feel better, so thank you for that.

  • More than that.

    If nothing else you have: Encounter At Farpoint, The Naked Now, Code of Honor, Justice, The Battle, Hide And Q, Angel One, fairly sure she's in Too Short A Season, The Arsenal of Freedom, of course Skin of Evil, with appearances in Yesterday's Enterprise and All Good Things.

    And likely more minor appearances in most of the rest of the first season.

  • She was the only Star Trek death that bothered me, though Worf was a better fit for security chief so that worked out.

    Trip was almost another, but that episode was written so badly I didn't care who died or how.

  • @mott555 said:

    Think the script is stable enough yet to leave it running from a terminal on my Ubuntu server?

    $ ps aux | grep [s]ignature
    nobody   30436  0.0  1.1  56244 12092 ?        S    sept.12   0:35 /usr/bin/python -u /srv/bots/

    Looks fine so far. (But I think I fixed some things since the last time I published the source code -- I will update it in a bit)

    I use supervisor to run it. This way, it starts automatically, its output goes to a log file, and it’s restarted if it crashes.

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