Looking for a loose text/pattern matching algorithm

  • It's probably possible to maintain websockets in PHP. It definitely wouldn't be easy, and PHP's memory management isn't really designed for scripts intended to run longer than 5 seconds...

  • @dkf said:

    You might be surprised what I understand. I think this would be a valuable (but non-trivial!) addition to what PHP can do. Or you (collective “PHP community” you here; not picking on you specifically) can stick with your current limitations and watch the world pass you by. Stagnation is always an option.

    PHP is pretty much totally geared around short running scripts serving content to Apache or nginx .Heck, even running on nginx requires specialised configuration because PHP is still fundamentally geared around Apache first and foremost.

    Yes, you can run it on the command line, yes you can even build daemons out of it but there are so many reasons why none of these are a good idea.

    Btw, I have tried to build a websocket bastardisation on top of PHP. It ain't pretty.

  • By specialized configuration, you mean just setting 'fixpathinfo = 0'

    I've been messing with it, and while there's lots of optimizations you can make, that's really one of two important ones that must be made for the security of your server. (excluding things like log output to screen, since that's not nginx specific)

    So long as we're talking about bastardisations, why not use unity web player networking to open the peer to peer socket, and run a php script? :D

  • Um, no, if you want to do nginx with PHP in any kind of sane configuration you run PHP-FPM.

  • Yes. That's still PHP, and it's NGINX default PHP module.

    You use PHP-FPM and change 2 settings in php.ini

  • @Matches said:

    Yes. That's still PHP, and it's NGINX default PHP module.

    You use PHP-FPM and change 2 settings in php.ini

    True enough, but I've still encountered too many fuckwits who can't even get that right.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    This thing? ftp://homepages.evansville.edu/jb304/gettingstarted.html

    Your description sounds awesome, is it still any good or has it been abandoned yet?

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