Order of post actions

  • Is there a reason why post actions are ordered the way they currently are? I'd rather group related actions (where | is a vertical separator):

    Like Flag | Share Bookmark | Edit Delete Admin | Reply

    Also, please don't hide the Like button. Disable it instead.

  • @fatbull said:

    Also, please don't hide the Like button. Disable it instead.

    I liked this part of the post specifically.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @fatbull said:

    Is there a reason why post actions are ordered the way they currently are?

    Responding from here, since I can't reply to a message while I have another new message being composed...

    It's the default:

    [pjh@sofa discourse]$ grep "flag|edit|bookmark" -r -n -B3 -A10
    config/site_settings.yml-74-  post_menu:
    config/site_settings.yml-75-    client: true
    config/site_settings.yml-76-    list: true
    config/site_settings.yml:77:    default: 'like|share|flag|edit|bookmark|delete|admin|reply'
    config/site_settings.yml-78-    choices:
    config/site_settings.yml-79-     - like
    config/site_settings.yml-80-     - edit
    config/site_settings.yml-81-     - flag
    config/site_settings.yml-82-     - delete
    config/site_settings.yml-83-     - share
    config/site_settings.yml-84-     - bookmark
    config/site_settings.yml-85-     - admin
    config/site_settings.yml-86-     - reply
    config/site_settings.yml-87-  post_menu_hidden_items:

  • Banned

    @PJHH said:

    since I can't reply to a message while I have another new message being composed

    This actually works though can be much improved.

    1. Start typing reply
    2. Collapse composer
    3. Navigate to another topic
    4. Start typing reply
    5. Collapse composer
    6. Navigate back to original, original should pop up


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @sam said:

    This actually works though can be much improved.

    ... and so totally intuitive...

    Which reminds me - I have another bug that I noticed when logging in to post that....

  • Banned

    I just posted this to help improve it:

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