What is 25 percent of 35000?

  • Have you ever wondered what 25% of 35000 is? In this case, don't fret, because answers.com has the answer in it's helpful wiki: wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_25_percent_percent_of_35000?

    On this helpful wiki page, over the course of three1 slides2, the question is thoroughly examined and, finally, answered.

    You think this is stupid? TRWTF is that they got the answer wrong.

    But just in case you're not looking for 25% of 35000, this wiki also contains lots of pages calculating other percentages of 35000. And if you're serious business, some of these percentages are not only provided for the integer, but also for "35000 dollars".

    Of course, TRWTF is that I needed Euros so this site didn't help me after all.

    PS: I just noticed that the url contains "percent" twice. There is also a page that has "percent" only once in its title, and this one even gets the answer right.

    1 as in "3"
    2 as in "PowerPoint/Keynote presentation"

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Someone asked that on a forum.
    Someone gave that answer.
    Someone wrote a presentation to give that answer.
    Someone marked that answer as correct.

    [breaths in, breaths out slowly]

    The human race is doomed, isn't it? Oh well, it was nice knowing all of you guys.

  • To be fair, 25%% of 35000 is 87.5, so they were only off by one order of magnitude.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Good enough for government work.

  • @Barbaz said:

    And if you're serious business, some of these percentages are not only provided for the integer, but also for "35000 dollars".

    Of course, TRWTF is that I needed Euros so this site didn't help me after all.

    All you need to do is convert the answer (875) from dollars to Euro. I have assumed Belizean Dollars and the number you're looking for is 321.848 Euros.

    Note: This doesn't include any commission you might incur when changing your money over.

    Filed Under: Hope this helps

  • You got it all wrong. First, the 35000€ have to be converted into dollars. Then I have to look up the wiki page for 25% of that amount, and then I can convert it back.

  • Lies, (25% of 35000)% of 35000 is 3062500.

  • Isn't that site just filled with data from web crawlers? Probably a copy mistake or something.

    I occasionally search for things and find the exact same wording on that site as on another site, in response to an identical phrased question.

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