Oracle Account WTF

  • So I want to comment on a mysql bug.

    Sure just sign up for an Oracle Account.

    First field: Email Address. "This is not a valid email address" YES IT IS! Never heard of plus addressing? Read the standard. It IS VALID.

    Country. mmmm OK. Name. Fine.

    Job Title? Work Phone? They can't possibly be required fields.
    What if I don't have a job, or I don't want to give Oracle my phone number? No way.

    I must give my work title, phone and full address to comment on a bug. Guess what. Not going to happen.

  •  how will oracle developer contact you if you don't put your phone number down in the field?

  • @daily said:

    First field: Email Address. "This is not a valid email address" YES IT IS! Never heard of plus addressing? Read the standard. It IS VALID.
    Some things never change. I had this problem with Sun, way back before Oracle bought them. My domain contains a hyphen. Sigh.

  • Java Dev

    @Nagesh said:

     how will oracle developer contact you if you don't put your phone number down in the field?


     I believe there is a famously unusable SR system?


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