Um, I'm pretty sure there are changes

  • Considered Harmful

    I compiled a fresh version of this dll file with a patch from upstream, checked out the old version in my repository, overwrote it with the new version, went to check it in and...

    I was originally going to check it in with TFS Power Tools, but it errors with:

    I hate TFS so much.

    Update: got it to check in with tf.exe on the command line.

  • @joe.edwards said:

    Update: got it to check in w/ tf.exe on the command line.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @joe.edwards said:

    Update: got it to check in with tf.exe on the command line.

    There you go...sabotaging your personal productivity.

  •  You can include/exclude edits on the "pending changes" or "my work" screens....this is one possibility (the command line would not look at those filters).

  • Considered Harmful

    @TheCPUWizard said:

     You can include/exclude edits on the "pending changes" or "my work" screens....this is one possibility (the command line would not look at those filters).

    That window also showed no changes.

  • Did you try changing the value of ImageSize.Width?

  • @joe.edwards said:

    @TheCPUWizard said:

     You can include/exclude edits on the "pending changes" or "my work" screens....this is one possibility (the command line would not look at those filters).

    That window also showed no changes.

     Are you sure the two windows were pointing to the same workspace [Visual Studio allows you to look in Source Explorer t one workspace, whilt Team Explorer and related windows look at another...I have seen this perplex many people...

  • Considered Harmful

    @El_Heffe said:

    Did you try changing the value of ImageSize.Width?

    I'd love to. Do you know where to set it?

  • Considered Harmful

    @TheCPUWizard said:

    @joe.edwards said:

    @TheCPUWizard said:

     You can include/exclude edits on the "pending changes" or "my work" screens....this is one possibility (the command line would not look at those filters).

    That window also showed no changes.

     Are you sure the two windows were pointing to the same workspace [Visual Studio allows you to look in Source Explorer t one workspace, whilt Team Explorer and related windows look at another...I have seen this perplex many people...

    This probably is what happened (I had two branches of the same codebase open in two different instances of VS), but it seems like if I right click the actual two items from Source Control Explorer and click Check In, as I did in the screen shot, that would work regardless of what solution I have open.

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