Changes at TDWTF: Goodbye Community Server

  • @Lorne Kates said:

    Who even cares about setting a post count?  Isn't the correct answer import all 507 posts by this user.  Their post count is now 507, because "SELECT count(1) FROM fucking_posts WHERE fucking_user='this_fucking_user';" returns 507?

    Am I missing something about how forums work?

    Well, the post count usually ends up cached with the user record. Look at CS: every user on this page has her post count next to her name. That would be a crap-load of selects on a table with, what, 300k rows? And TDWTF is by no means a large forum. Even well-indexed, it would kill your DB.

  • @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    Unfortunately our lack of skill in Linux/postgres/etc this makes it non-trivial, and we don't have the time to do this, then test it, etc... on top of doing a site redesign.

    if anyone wants to take a stab at it, the discourse stuff is open source and I can get an export of the tdwtf cs sql database.

    I have a lot of Linux/Postgres experience, but I don't know about Intercourse.. :(

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @morbiuswilters said:

    @Lorne Kates said:
    Why not make it 0?  Import everything.  Just make sure to carry over the "banned for spamming" flag. Fuck those guys.

    Hilariously, CS is so messed up that spam users have all of their posts deleted, their post count isn't updated.

    Sadly, I think CS only counts replies to OPs. OPs don't get counted at all.

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    Unfortunately our lack of skill in Linux/postgres/etc this makes it non-trivial, and we don't have the time to do this, then test it, etc... on top of doing a site redesign.

    if anyone wants to take a stab at it, the discourse stuff is open source and I can get an export of the tdwtf cs sql database.

    I have a lot of Linux/Postgres experience, but I don't know about Intercourse.. :(

    Knowing a lot about Linux can do that.

  • Considered Harmful

    @morbiuswilters said:

    @dhromed said:
    It's new blood and all. Shouldn't punish that.

    I favour special privileges--like, say, a harem--for users with post count over, say, 12,000.

    I got some catchin' up to do!

  • @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    As they say, all things are possible...

    Unfortunately our lack of skill in Linux/postgres/etc this makes it non-trivial, and we don't have the time to do this, then test it, etc... on top of doing a site redesign.

    if anyone wants to take a stab at it, the discourse stuff is open source and I can get an export of the tdwtf cs sql database.

    Could you send me the structure for the users table in CS (and any other table that contains info you want as part of the user)?

    The discourse one is fairly straightforward:

                                                   Table "public.users"
                Column             |            Type             |                     Modifiers    
     id                            | integer                     | not null default nextval('users_id_seq'::regclass)
     username                      | character varying(60)       | not null
     created_at                    | timestamp without time zone | 
     updated_at                    | timestamp without time zone | 
     name                          | character varying(255)      | 
     bio_raw                       | text                        | 
     seen_notification_id          | integer                     | not null default 0
     last_posted_at                | timestamp without time zone | 
     email                         | character varying(256)      | not null
     password_hash                 | character varying(64)       | 
     salt                          | character varying(32)       | 
     active                        | boolean                     | 
     username_lower                | character varying(60)       | not null
     auth_token                    | character varying(32)       | 
     last_seen_at                  | timestamp without time zone | 
     website                       | character varying(255)      | 
     admin                         | boolean                     | not null default false
     last_emailed_at               | timestamp without time zone | 
     email_digests                 | boolean                     | not null
     trust_level                   | integer                     | not null
     bio_cooked                    | text                        | 
     email_private_messages        | boolean                     | default true
     email_direct                  | boolean                     | not null default true
     approved                      | boolean                     | not null default false
     approved_by_id                | integer                     | 
     approved_at                   | timestamp without time zone | 
     digest_after_days             | integer                     | 
     previous_visit_at             | timestamp without time zone | 
     suspended_at                  | timestamp without time zone | 
     suspended_till                | timestamp without time zone | 
     date_of_birth                 | date                        | 
     auto_track_topics_after_msecs | integer                     | 
     views                         | integer                     | not null default 0
     flag_level                    | integer                     | not null default 0
     ip_address                    | inet                        | 
     new_topic_duration_minutes    | integer                     | 
     external_links_in_new_tab     | boolean                     | not null
     enable_quoting                | boolean                     | not null default true
     moderator                     | boolean                     | default false
     blocked                       | boolean                     | default false
     dynamic_favicon               | boolean                     | not null default false
     title                         | character varying(255)      | 
     use_uploaded_avatar           | boolean                     | default false
     uploaded_avatar_template      | character varying(255)      | 
     uploaded_avatar_id            | integer                     | 
     email_always                  | boolean                     | not null default false
     mailing_list_mode             | boolean                     | not null default false
     primary_group_id              | integer                     | 
     locale                        | character varying(10)       | 
     profile_background            | character varying(255)      | 
     registration_ip_address       | inet                        | 
     last_redirected_to_top_at     | timestamp without time zone | 
        "users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
        "index_users_on_email" UNIQUE, btree (email)
        "index_users_on_username" UNIQUE, btree (username)
        "index_users_on_username_lower" UNIQUE, btree (username_lower)
        "index_users_on_auth_token" btree (auth_token)
        "index_users_on_last_posted_at" btree (last_posted_at)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Ben L. said:

    username                      | character varying(60)       | not null
    username_lower | character varying(60) | not null

    Indexes: [...]
    "index_users_on_username" UNIQUE, btree (username)
    "index_users_on_username_lower" UNIQUE, btree (username_lower)

    That looks.... interesting.

  •  The guys at heroku are already running a fork of discourse.



  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @Nagesh said:

    The guys at heroku are already running a fork of discourse.

    We should fork that and create a custom version for here. The Discourse What The Forum?


  • Intercourse




  • @morbiuswilters said:

    I have a lot of Linux/Postgres experience, but I don't know about Intercourse.. :(
    You'll learn about that when you grow up.

  •  Some of us are only half clever as you are and we need all that time to work in a job. So some clever people can do this forking business.

     @Lorne Kates said:

    @Nagesh said:

    The guys at heroku are already running a fork of discourse.

    We should fork that and create a custom version for here. The Discourse What The Forum?




  • ♿ (Parody)

    The users are indeed pretty straight-forward to import; I was only going to do the most basics... like email and some varation of the username (as Discourse usernames can't have spaces or funny characters). That's mostly to lock-in your username; the idea being, if you wanted to, you could "claim" your old username by resetting the password or something.

    Maybe the easiest thing todo is just say "F'it, go register, don't take anothe rpersons name." 

    And here's the CS tableset for users.... i think...

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[aspnet_Users](
    	[ApplicationId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
    	[UserId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
    	[UserName] [nvarchar](256) NOT NULL,
    	[LoweredUserName] [nvarchar](256) NOT NULL,
    	[MobileAlias] [nvarchar](16) NULL,
    	[IsAnonymous] [bit] NOT NULL,
    	[LastActivityDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[aspnet_Users] ADD  DEFAULT (newid()) FOR [UserId]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[aspnet_Users] ADD  DEFAULT (null) FOR [MobileAlias]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[aspnet_Users] ADD  DEFAULT (0) FOR [IsAnonymous]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[aspnet_Users]  WITH CHECK ADD FOREIGN KEY([ApplicationId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[aspnet_Applications] ([ApplicationId])
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[cs_Users](
    	[MembershipID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
    	[UserID] [int] IDENTITY(2100,1) NOT NULL,
    	[ForceLogin] [bit] NOT NULL,
    	[UserAccountStatus] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    	[AppUserToken] [varchar](128) NULL,
    	[LastActivity] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    	[LastAction] [nvarchar](1024) NULL,
    	[UserName] [nvarchar](256) NOT NULL,
    	[Email] [nvarchar](256) NOT NULL,
    	[IsApproved] [bit] NULL,
    	[IsAnonymous] [bit] NOT NULL,
    	[CreateDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile](
    	[UserID] [int] NOT NULL,
    	[TimeZone] [float] NOT NULL,
    	[TotalPosts] [int] NOT NULL,
    	[PostSortOrder] [int] NOT NULL,
    	[PostRank] [binary](1) NOT NULL,
    	[IsAvatarApproved] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    	[ModerationLevel] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    	[EnableThreadTracking] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    	[EnableDisplayUnreadThreadsOnly] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    	[EnableAvatar] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    	[EnableDisplayInMemberList] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    	[EnablePrivateMessages] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    	[EnableOnlineStatus] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    	[EnableHtmlEmail] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    	[MembershipID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
    	[SettingsID] [int] NOT NULL,
    	[PropertyNames] [ntext] NULL,
    	[PropertyValues] [ntext] NULL,
    	[IsIgnored] [bit] NOT NULL,
    	[EnableEmail] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    	[Points] [int] NOT NULL,
    	[PublicToken] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
    	[PointsUpdated] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    	[FavoritesShared] [int] NOT NULL,
    	[AllowSiteToContact] [bit] NOT NULL,
    	[AllowSitePartnersToContact] [bit] NOT NULL,
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_TimeZone]  DEFAULT ((-5)) FOR [TimeZone]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_TotalPosts]  DEFAULT (0) FOR [TotalPosts]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_PostSortOrder]  DEFAULT (0) FOR [PostSortOrder]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_Attributes]  DEFAULT (0) FOR [PostRank]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_IsAvatarApproved]  DEFAULT (1) FOR [IsAvatarApproved]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_IsTrusted]  DEFAULT (0) FOR [ModerationLevel]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_TrackYourPosts]  DEFAULT (0) FOR [EnableThreadTracking]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_ShowUnreadTopicsOnly]  DEFAULT (0) FOR [EnableDisplayUnreadThreadsOnly]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_EnableAvatar]  DEFAULT (0) FOR [EnableAvatar]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_EnableDisplayInMemberList]  DEFAULT (1) FOR [EnableDisplayInMemberList]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_EnablePrivateMessages]  DEFAULT (1) FOR [EnablePrivateMessages]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_EnableOnlineStatus]  DEFAULT (1) FOR [EnableOnlineStatus]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_EnableHtmlEmail]  DEFAULT (1) FOR [EnableHtmlEmail]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_User_IsIgnored]  DEFAULT (0) FOR [IsIgnored]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  DEFAULT (1) FOR [EnableEmail]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_Points]  DEFAULT (0) FOR [Points]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [CS_UserProfile_PublicTokenDefault]  DEFAULT (newid()) FOR [PublicToken]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_PointsUpdated]  DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [PointsUpdated]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_FavoritesShared]  DEFAULT (0) FOR [FavoritesShared]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_AllowSiteToContact]  DEFAULT (0) FOR [AllowSiteToContact]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_cs_UserProfile_AllowSitePartnersToContact]  DEFAULT (0) FOR [AllowSitePartnersToContact]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_cs_Users] FOREIGN KEY([UserID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[cs_Users] ([UserID])
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[cs_UserProfile] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_cs_Users]

  • @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    (as Discourse usernames can't have spaces or funny characters)

    Are you going to keep the proper form for the account's full name (that looks to be what discourse has that can have spaces and unicode)?

  • @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    Discourse usernames can't have spaces
    Just as I thought.  Discourse is even more retarded than Community Server.

  • Considered Harmful

    @El_Heffe said:

    @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    Discourse usernames can't have spaces
    Just as I thought.  Discourse is even more retarded than Community Server.

    The social media site I made had a Username and UsernameC14n (computed column). The Username can contain any spaces and special characters the user wanted, the UsernameC14n is alphanumeric. The user is free to update their username as long as the UsernameC14n does not change. So if the user's name is "¡Jalapeño Jeffe!", the UsernameC14n is jalapenojeffe, and you can send him messages without typing ¡ or ñ, and it also stops people from having deceptively similar names.

  • @El_Heffe said:

    @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    Discourse usernames can't have spaces
    Just as I thought.  Discourse is even more retarded than Community Server.

    I'm starting to think it actually is. I'd love ot hear their reasoning on why they don't allow spaces.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    I'd love ot hear their reasoning on why they don't allow spaces.

    My guess: they do some CSV processing on usernames based on spaces, because what's a database?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @blakeyrat said:

    @El_Heffe said:

    @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    Discourse usernames can't have spaces
    Just as I thought.  Discourse is even more retarded than Community Server.

    I'm starting to think it actually is. I'd love ot hear their reasoning on why they don't allow spaces.

    I dunno, I think it's reasonable to limit usernames to alphanumeric. Simplifies requirements and edge cases at a seemingly minimal loss of functionality. Don't most sites do this anyway? Twitter, reddit, etc?

    There is a [Name] field, but it's not unique.

  • @Lorne Kates said:

    @blakeyrat said:
    I'd love ot hear their reasoning on why they don't allow spaces.

    My guess: they do some CSV processing on usernames based on spaces, because what's a database?

    No idea why they first selected to put those restrictions in, but supposedly they put something in to address it (it doesn't actually address it).

  • @Ben L. said:

    @morbiuswilters said:
    @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    Unfortunately our lack of skill in Linux/postgres/etc this makes it non-trivial, and we don't have the time to do this, then test it, etc... on top of doing a site redesign.

    if anyone wants to take a stab at it, the discourse stuff is open source and I can get an export of the tdwtf cs sql database.

    I have a lot of Linux/Postgres experience, but I don't know about Intercourse.. :(

    Knowing a lot about Linux can do that.

    I'm an expert at Intracourse, though!

  • @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    I dunno, I think it's reasonable to limit usernames to alphanumeric.

    For languages that use the "classic" Latin alphabet maybe, but what about the huge portion that don't?

  • @El_Heffe said:

    @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    Discourse usernames can't have spaces
    Just as I thought.  Discourse is even more retarded than Community Server.

    No, no, it'll be just like being on a teletype terminal on a late 70s Unix machine. It's the future, man!

  • @blakeyrat said:

    @El_Heffe said:

    @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    Discourse usernames can't have spaces
    Just as I thought.  Discourse is even more retarded than Community Server.

    I'm starting to think it actually is. I'd love ot hear their reasoning on why they don't allow spaces.

    On all the software I've created usernames can only be composed of EBCDIC-encoded capital letters. Maximum of 5 characters.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @morbiuswilters said:

    On all the software I've created usernames can only be composed of EBCDIC-encoded capital letters. Maximum of 5 characters.
    Which of the EBCDIC variants? (There are quite a few, perhaps one for each market that IBM sold into. I so wish I didn't know that.)

  • @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    I dunno, I think it's reasonable to limit usernames to alphanumeric.

    I disagree. "What's your name?" "John Smith." "What do you want your username to be? "John Smith". CAN'T BE DONE! ... that's ridiculous. If you think that's a reasonable restriction, that someone's username can't be the same as their actual name, you are way too close to the code here.

    @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    Simplifies requirements and edge cases at a seemingly minimal loss of functionality.

    If you consider "not being able to use your real name as your username " a "minimal loss of functionality", then I guess yes. Personally, I think that's a huge fucking deal. I can't imagine what edge cases you're thinking of.

    @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    Don't most sites do this anyway?

    No. More than should, yes. In any case, since when has "popular" equated to "good" or "correct" in any way?

    @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    Twitter, reddit, etc?

    Twitter's an odd duck, because people use the field intended as their real name as their screenname. And it allows spaces, natch. Twitter also lets you change both username and screenname at any time for any reason without contacting tech support-- you add in that capability and I can be a little more forgiving.

    BTW even fucking Slashdot gets this right. It's actually probably the only thing fucking Slashdot gets right.

  • @locallunatic said:

    @Lorne Kates said:
    @blakeyrat said:
    I'd love ot hear their reasoning on why they don't allow spaces.

    My guess: they do some CSV processing on usernames based on spaces, because what's a database?

    No idea why they first selected to put those restrictions in, but supposedly they put something in to address it (it doesn't actually address it).

    Jesus. Why didn't he just write, "FUCK YOU EVERYBODY WHO DOESN'T SPEAK ENGLISH" in that thread?

    When did Jeff Atwood become coding mega superstar anyway? All his shit that I've seen seems to barely work, and he takes an almost-militant stance on a whole bunch of obviously stupid dead-end technologies. (Remember Stack Overflow not letting you log in without using OpenID? What a joke.)

  • @blakeyrat said:

    Jesus. Why didn't he just write, "FUCK YOU EVERYBODY WHO DOESN'T SPEAK ENGLISH" in that thread?

    Because he's written articles saying that (granted it was limited to programmers but still).

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    If you think that's a reasonable restriction, that someone's username can't be the same as their actual name, you are way too close to the code here.

    I disagree with you. I don't think anyone would want to use spaces in their username, let alone their display name, LET ALONE their real name. I'm sure the user called "Alex Papadimoulis" would agree with me-- that would be me, myself, user with username of "Lorne Kates".

    Though we'll have to wait for the tie breaker from users "Mark Bowytz" and "Remy Porter".


  • @Lorne Kates said:

    @blakeyrat said:

    If you think that's a reasonable restriction, that someone's username can't be the same as their actual name, you are way too close to the code here.

    I disagree with you. I don't think anyone would want to use spaces in their username, let alone their display name, LET ALONE their real name. I'm sure the user called "Alex Papadimoulis" would agree with me-- that would be me, myself, user with username of "Lorne Kates".

    Though we'll have to wait for the tie breaker from users "Mark Bowytz" and "Remy Porter".


    MorbiusWilters says "eat it!"

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @blakeyrat said:

    If you consider "not being able to use your real name as your username " a "minimal loss of functionality", then I guess yes. Personally, I think that's a huge fucking deal. I can't imagine what edge cases you're thinking of.

    I don't think most people use their real names as their username, so it's not really impacting very many people.

    What I mean by edge cases are, the special handling for the few users who do. How do we make a human readable encoded name? Do we disallow dashes, and replace those with spaces? Why not just allow dashes in the first place?

    What's mention the syntax for my username? Is it @AlexPapadimoulis, or @Alex-Papadimoulis, or @{Alex Papadimoulis}?


    @blakeyrat said:

    In any case, since when has "popular" equated to "good" or "correct" in any way?

    It's "acceptable". I never expect to be able to use "Alex Papadimoulis" as my username, so I use apapadimoulis or apxltd or whatever. I just accept this as a reasonable limitation of "computer systems" in general, as I think most people do.

  • @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    I don't think most people use their real names as their username, so it's not really impacting very many people.

    Whether or not they do, they certainly should be able to.

    @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    What I mean by edge cases are, the special handling for the few users who do. How do we make a human readable encoded name?

    Why do you have to?

    @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    What's mention the syntax for my username? Is it @AlexPapadimoulis, or @Alex-Papadimoulis, or @{Alex Papadimoulis}?


    Maybe we could exist in a world where GUIs exist so you could just point and click at some graphical element...

    @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    It's "acceptable". I never expect to be able to use "Alex Papadimoulis" as my username, so I use apapadimoulis or apxltd or whatever. I just accept this as a reasonable limitation of "computer systems" in general, as I think most people do.

    Yeah, screw improvement. We have a shitty status quo and that's good enough!

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @locallunatic said:

    @Alex Papadimoulis said:
    I dunno, I think it's reasonable to limit usernames to alphanumeric.
    For languages that use the "classic" Latin alphabet maybe, but what about the huge portion that don't?

    Well, maybe they should just stop using hieroglyphics and attaching stupid lines and squiggles to letters then.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @blakeyrat said:

    Yeah, screw improvement. We have a shitty status quo and that's good enough!

    It's undoubtedly more effort to implement this requirement/improvement. They're trying to improve the status quo of message board systems, so I think it's a better use of their limited resources to focus on more core functionality.

    I'd rather have... say... a quote button that works in IE11 without having to use developer tools than a space in my username.

  • @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    @locallunatic said:

    @Alex Papadimoulis said:
    I dunno, I think it's reasonable to limit usernames to alphanumeric.

    For languages that use the "classic" Latin alphabet maybe, but what about the huge portion that don't?

    Well, maybe they should just stop using hieroglyphics and attaching stupid lines and squiggles to letters then.


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    he idea being, if you wanted to, you could "claim" your old username by resetting the password or something.
    Presuming part of this is active now I've had a discourse email from here, I'd like to point out that after 10 mins of asking for one (well 2﹐ one via email and one via username) I've yet to have a reset mail....

  • @PJH said:

    @Alex Papadimoulis said:
    he idea being, if you wanted to, you could "claim" your old username by resetting the password or something.
    Presuming part of this is active now I've had a discourse email from here, I'd like to point out that after 10 mins I've yet to have a reset mail....

    Ditto that.

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    @PJH said:
    @Alex Papadimoulis said:
    he idea being, if you wanted to, you could "claim" your old username by resetting the password or something.
    Presuming part of this is active now I've had a discourse email from here, I'd like to point out that after 10 mins I've yet to have a reset mail....

    Ditto that.

            "       "

  • Yep, that email thingy doesn't work. Smooth sailings, you guys

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @serguey123 said:

    Yep, that email thingy doesn't work. Smooth sailings, you guys

    I got mine after I'd wandered off, and now it tells me that the token has expired.

  • @boomzilla said:

    @serguey123 said:
    Yep, that email thingy doesn't work. Smooth sailings, you guys

    I got mine after I'd wandered off, and now it tells me that the token has expired.

    It told me that, too, but it still let me set my password.

    Fears that Intercourse would be less WTFy than CS seem to have been put to rest..

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @morbiuswilters said:

    @boomzilla said:
    @serguey123 said:
    Yep, that email thingy doesn't work. Smooth sailings, you guys

    I got mine after I'd wandered off, and now it tells me that the token has expired.

    It told me that, too, but it still let me set my password.

    Fears that Intercourse would be less WTFy than CS seem to have been put to rest..

    I tried it again and the email came within seconds.

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    Fears that Intercourse would be less WTFy than CS seem to have been put to rest.
    So it would seem.

  • @HardwareGeek said:

    @morbiuswilters said:
    Fears that Intercourse would be less WTFy than CS seem to have been put to rest.
    So it would seem.

    You only have two posts left for today over there, so make 'em count.

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    You only have two posts left for today over there, so make 'em count.
    Yeah, the count of number of posts. As long as I stay tied for first place in the post count, who cares about quality.

    I wonder if the limit is temporary.

  • @HardwareGeek said:

    @morbiuswilters said:
    You only have two posts left for today over there, so make 'em count.
    Yeah, the count of number of posts. As long as I stay tied for first place in the post count, who cares about quality.

    I wonder if the limit is temporary.

    It is.

  • @Ben L. said:

    It is.

    I see..

    Alex, it would be useful from a spam-fighting perspective to limit new users to only 1 topic per day.

  • @Ben L. said:

    @HardwareGeek said:
    @morbiuswilters said:
    You only have two posts left for today over there, so make 'em count.
    Yeah, the count of number of posts. As long as I stay tied for first place in the post count, who cares about quality.

    I wonder if the limit is temporary.

    It is.


    Aha. Well, that's gotta need some changin', I feel.


  • @dhromed said:

    Aha. Well, that's gotta need some changin', I feel.
    If it only applies to a user's first day, that's fine.

    Edit: heh, it looks like this is my first post in this thread after lurking for some time.

  • @El_Heffe said:

    @Alex Papadimoulis said:

    Discourse usernames can't have spaces
    Just as I thought.  Discourse is even more retarded than Community Server.



    Makes logical sense since operating system user names cannot have spaces in their usernames.


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