String concatenation? What's this?

  • Today I was talking to a vendor who develops a scripting language which is used to produce tables for Market research.

    The language is a bastard between SPSs-syntax C and their own "ideas" - so it is difficult to learn. But it is still better than ra SPSS-table scripting, which is laughably bad.

    Today I was talking about one of my pet peeves of this language: There are huge amounts of text in a Table, especially a header, a footer and descriptions for the rows. The best method to define this text is to
    simply copy & paste the text into each "field".

    That is time consuming, error prone and annoying as hell, since most of the text is not terribly variable - defining it once would often be enough. Most of the rest is only partially variable, like three lines of text with
    a short fourth line which is variable. Which begs for string.Format()

    I described this to our vendor, who was quite surprised when I showed him how Pythons string concatenation and string.Format() methods.

    But at the end he reduced me nearly to tears when he asked: "But why do you need that? You can simply copy & paste the text, that's so easy!"


  • @HerrDerSchatten said:

    But at the end he reduced me nearly to tears when he asked: "But why do you need that? You can simply copy & paste the text, that's so easy!"

    That's just a very, very basic version of the problem with Blub programmers.

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