Left outer join...

  • Came into work today and checked out some code written by a collegue, SQL query with a few joins... I think he missed a few PerMEaTaTIons...

    Left outer join <snip>
    LEFT OUTER JOIN <snip>
    left outer join <snip>
    Left Outer JOin <snip>
    left OUter jOin <snip>
    Left Outer Join <snip>

  • <FONT face=Tahoma>I thinks it's called [random casing]™...

    From the makers of [random indentation]™ and [random names]™...


  • I see two possible explanations:

    1. watermarking (is he afraid that someone will take the work after him? this should help :b)

    2. steaganography (does he get paid for the work? maybe his trying to escape?)

  • @qbolec said:

    I see two possible explanations:

    1. watermarking (is he afraid that someone will take the work after him? this should help :b)

    2. steaganography (does he get paid for the work? maybe his trying to escape?)

    A third - he's the inventor of the OrnDCaSE language - all source files are to opened with editors that have built-in support for alternating the case based on system entropy.

  • @qbolec said:

    I see two possible explanations:

    1. watermarking (is he afraid that someone will take the work after him? this should help :b)

    2. steaganography (does he get paid for the work? maybe his trying to escape?)

    3. Instead of being paid by LOC, he's paid by entropy. (DML keywords are fixed, but random casing increases the entropy.)

  • @PeterStephenson said:

    I think he missed a few PerMEaTaTIons...

    Left outer join <snip>
    LEFT OUTER JOIN <snip>
    left outer join <snip>
    Left Outer JOin <snip>
    left OUter jOin <snip>
    Left Outer Join <snip>

    <FONT face=Tahoma>I'd be more worried about the query if it gets all the permutations with all those left joins...



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