Bit Manipulation

  • Found this in some third-party code I've been asked to maintain:

    Public Shared Function GetBitNr(ByVal TestInteger As Integer, ByVal Nr As Integer) As Integer
       If TestInteger < 0 Then
          If Nr = 32 Then
             Return 1
          End If
      TestInteger = TestInteger + CInt(&amp;H80000000)

    End If

    Dim i As Long = 30
    Dim str As String = ""
    Do While (i > -1)
    If 2 ^ i <= TestInteger Then
    str = str & "1"
    TestInteger = CInt(Math.Round(TestInteger - 2 ^ i))
    ElseIf Left(str, 1) = "1" Then
    str = str & "0"
    End If

      i = i - 1


    Dim result As Integer
    If Len(str) >= Nr Then
    result = CInt(Mid(str, Len(str) - Nr + 1, 1))
    result = 0
    End If

    Return CInt(result)
    End Function


    Because testing whether a bit is set is so difficult!

  • Far future biologists will use this as evidence that humans had been evolving into two separate species:

    Those who can see that using Math.Round for bit calculations makes perfect sense, and those who can't.

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