Neckbeards Exposed!

  • @_leonardo_ said:

    @Ben L. said:

    @ComputerForumUser said:

    @bridget99 said:

    Well, if you don't have a beard, being wrong just makes you wrong.

    If you have a beard, do you need to be wrong to be wrong?

    Remember, bridget advocates against the use of logic and reasoning. Any statement's truthfulnesstruthiness comes directly from bridget's spleen.

     She did not say that, she said: "I believe reason, and rational discourse, to be profoundly overrated in today's society." 

    I agree with that statement.  As evidence:  the society which tries to fix complex chronic diseases with a single "silver bullet" pill, or a meeting where things which cannot be expressed on a  'powerpoint' slide basically cannot be communicated. 

    Black and White, 1 and 0, these are concepts in our minds with no counterpart in reality.  To create a computer program, you generally need to assume that 1 and 0 not only exist, but that they cover all possible outcomes.  


    That's pretty much it. An example: code reviews. Is my desire to use my interlocutor's skull as a bowling ball any less valid than his reason-based comments about my variable names? I don't think so. My "feelings" are irrational, but they're also right... about the fact that having a variable name review is a profound waste of time. An attempt at reasonable discussion only clouds matters. I already know the right answer.

  • @Rhywden said:

    @bridget99 said:
    @boomzilla said:
    @CodeNinja said:
    That's like saying someone reports you for texting while driving in a company vehicle (with no proof) and loose your job over it while having your face and name plastered all over the place for it, letting everyone in the world know you text and drive in a company vehicle and open them up to litigation, which also has the side effect of possibly making it hard to find another job in your chosen career that requires you to drive a company vehicle. But it's all OK somehow because we made an example of one person who was (allegedly) acting like an idiot at the wrong place and wrong time, right?

    Actually, your example is much worse. Texting while driving is much more serious problem. After all, it's not the nature of the evidence that's important, but the seriousness of the charge. Just ask Richard Jewell.

    I don't have a moral problem with anything "and driving" unless /until actual damage is done. It's really a subjective judgment call before that point is reached. Being a sexist neckbeard is far worse.

    Moronic attitude. I myself have almost been run over three times by such morons. Your driver's livense is given to you on the assumption that you'll abide by the rules you were taught. If you can't abide by those rules, you have no place moving a weapon on public streets.

    I don't care what you're doing to yourself, but as soon as you're putting other people in danger through negligence, that's where your freedom to act like a jerk ends.

    It's impossible to survive without driving where I live. Arguments that portray driving as a privilege or rely on facts about the driver's license just ring hollow with me. Support public transit and I'll listen. Anything short of that is just oppression.

  • I bet she likes the pipe command

  •  TL;DR - at least not all of it, BUT I think this incident occured at PyCon, right? NOT some 'nix conference. Unless of course class PythonUser extends UnixUser.....

  • @HillOBeans said:

     TL;DR - at least not all of it, BUT I think this incident occured at PyCon, right? NOT some 'nix conference. Unless of course class PythonUser extends UnixUser.....

    Good point. Does Python run on other OSes? I've lumped it in with Unix but I don't know how fair that is.

  • @Kittemon said:

    @bridget99 said:
    I'm not sure what the intent could be that would make any difference. It is a bit unfair when people get turned into an example... but it's their own damned fault.

    So you agree that she should have been fired?

    Well, if were up to me most of the people at that conference would be herded out into the countryside and forced to grow vegetables / read Karl Marx. Maybe Adria could be an instructor or something.

  • @bridget99 said:

    Well, if were up to me most of the people at that conference would be herded out into the countryside and forced to grow vegetables / read Karl Marx. Maybe Adria could be an instructor or something.

    DS9 totally did that.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    @bridget99 said:
    Well, if were up to me most of the people at that conference would be herded out into the countryside and forced to grow vegetables / read Karl Marx. Maybe Adria could be an instructor or something.

    DS9 totally did that.

    Also, Cambodia.

  • Insecure people will frequently assume any joke is about them, and, being insecure, cannot attack the joker directly. They'll instead go to their hugbox (in this case, her twitter followers) to get encouragement on how right she is and hopefully humiliate the perpetrators. This is pathetic, but not wrong. However, one of these guys lost their jobs, and I'm sorry, I don't give one half a shit if you want to call somebody an idiot for saying a potentially bigoted and stupid thing, in fact, I'm all for it. When you threaten their livelihood, and that of their spouses and children, you've not only lost your moral high ground, you've lost ALL the moral high ground.

    This doesn't come off as a courageous woman bucking the system of a male dominated profession. Especially considering her history, this comes off as another instance of someone seeking a spotlight for the one thing that any schmuck can do; be offended. It takes skill in a profession to make the news in your field, and a bit of luck. Just standing up and getting mad in public is simple, any numbskull can do it, and in this case, she got exactly what she wanted (up until the time she was fired, I suspect.)

    Cases like this don't help anyone. They reinforce the attitude among the "neck beards" that women are emotional, prone to outburst, and not to be trusted to be "one of the team" if any random joke or reference will send them bawling to the management. Meanwhile, the other, non-attention-requiring women in the workplace have a new example of why they are not treated like "one of the guys," no matter how much they want to be.

    In short, both parties are wrong, but only one of them is responsible for the two terminated jobs. I don't think I need to point out who that is.

  • @bridget99 said:

    classless neckbeards getting paid big bucks to type into a scary-looking BASH window at sixty words per day

    That's "bash window". Lowercase.

    For typing into bash window: $0.01/word.
    For knowing what to type into bash window and why: $9.99/word.

  • @bridget99 said:

    It's impossible to survive without driving where I live. Arguments that portray driving as a privilege or rely on facts about the driver's license just ring hollow with me. Support public transit and I'll listen. Anything short of that is just oppression.
    Driving is a privilege.  You made a choice to live where you live.  "But that's where the job was!"  Your choice.  If you get your license taken away, you have two legal choices:  figure out how to live without a car (public transport, bicycle, carpool, taxi, etc.) or move somewhere you don't need a car.

    The USoA Declaration of Independence describes inalienable rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."  Nowhere does it state an inalienable right to not be offended.  The fact that Adria was offended by such a simple comment offends me.  And that you would defend her offends me.

    Males have their own patterns of communication.  Females have their own patterns of communication.  These are well documented.  She should have taken that into account, just as I do when I hear a conversation between my wife and her friends, sister, etc.

    Interview 101 question:  "When you have a problem with a co-worker, how do you handle it?"  The correct answer, of course, is to speak directly with the co-worker first.  Only after those measures fail do you go to someone higher up.  She should have spoken with them directly.

    Adria was wrong, period.  So are you.  And if my last two words offend you, so be it:  fuck off.

  • @bridget99 said:

    It's impossible to survive without driving where I live.
    That's your fault for choosing a lousy place to live.  And even if you really do have no option other than driving, that has absolutley nothing to do with texting or doing other unsafe things while driving.

  • Adria Richards is a professional victim.  Someone who spends a great deal of time trying to find something to be offended by.  Someone who is on a crusade to "fix" things in the world that don't fit into her view of how the world shoudl be.  But what always gets lost in these discussions is the most basic question of all, the question that nobody wants to admit even exists.

     Somebody says something.  You hear it and think that it is offensive.   I hear it and think that there's nothing wrong with it.  What makes you right and me wrong?

  • @beau29 said:

    It's impossible to survive without driving where I live.

    From this statement, and the fact that the legal driving age in the USA is 16, I can conclude that:

    A) There are no living humans between the ages of birth and 16 years where beau is,
    B) there are no buildings, as cars cannot be driven indoors, and
    C) beau is forum-posting while driving

    Either that or beau lied about the impossibility of survival or the "live" part.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @bridget99 said:

    Once we agree that Adria had her reasons for going public,
    Oh, she had her reasons - we can agree on that.

    However those reasons are that she's a professional shit-stirrer and offendee (see previous link) - which I rather suspect we won't agree on since you seem blind to the fact that she's anything other than a delicate little thing that can never ever hear or see anything that could be misconstrued.

    Unless - of course - it's her saying it.

    Rhetorical question I know, but did you actually click (and read, and comprehend) any of those links I posted?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @bridget99 said:

    It's impossible to survive without driving where I live.
    There's a simple solution to that, without putting others' lives at risk - don't live there.

    @bridget99 said:

    Arguments that portray driving as a privilege or rely on facts about the driver's license just ring hollow with me.
    Would that be because you don't agree with them? Thought so.
    @bridget99 said:
    Support public transit and I'll listen.
    I support public transit - I just don't see why I, as a tax-payer, should subsidise others' use of it by paying for it when I don't use it.@bridget99 said:
    Anything short of that is just oppression.
    Do you pronounce 'hyperbole' with 3 or 4 syllables?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @HillOBeans said:

     TL;DR - at least not all of it, BUT I think this incident occured at PyCon, right? NOT some 'nix conference. Unless of course class PythonUser extends UnixUser.....

    This is a good point. So we can also presume, due to python's obsession about whitespace that these guys were racists, too. God, I hate this industry.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @bridget99 said:

    I'm saying that all sorts of necessary adjuncts to reason are ignored by the Western culture you all seem to hold dear. I've been a participant in enough rational discourse to know that this approach gets things wrong about as often as the old, purely superstition-based approach did.

    Yes, although I would say that people put too much faith in their own rational abilities. Your statement is kind of like saying math is overrated because you've seen people mess up long division. It's basically people messing with things they don't understand in the first place. The rational thing to do in that circumstance is to look at how the situation has been dealt with in the past by people who already went through it. At least understand what they were doing, rather than starting from scratch with the assumption that they were stupid and wrong because they didn't fully understand the reasons behind what was going on.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @bridget99 said:

    It's impossible to survive without driving where I live. Arguments that portray driving as a privilege or rely on facts about the driver's license just ring hollow with me. Support public transit and I'll listen. Anything short of that is just oppression.

    I'll bet food is impossible to survive without, too, where you live. Yet those bastards at the grocery store treat it like a privilege. Come and see the violence inherent in the system!

  • @bridget99 said:

    I've been a participant in enough rational discourse to know that this approach gets things wrong about as often as the old, purely superstition-based approach did.

    No you haven't. You have either experienced what you thought was rational and wasn't, or you failed to properly understand what was going on, or you are lying. I could flip a coin and derive as much truth as a superstition. If I flip it a thousand times, I will get a more accurate view of what the coin flip returns. Unfortunately the human brain doesn't handle statistics well. This is an obstacle to be overcome, not a flaw to be disguised as a merit.

    @_leonardo_ said:

    She said: "I believe reason, and rational discourse, to be profoundly overrated in today's society." 

    I agree with that statement.  As evidence:  the society which tries to fix complex chronic diseases with a single "silver bullet" pill, or a meeting where things which cannot be expressed on a  'powerpoint' slide basically cannot be communicated. 

    Again this is not an example of scientific thinking. Business and meetings are often flooded with individual egos, which result in this forum. It is not rational discourse, it is politics. The extent of rationale is "I will have more money if I keep lying." Do NOT get these things confused.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't expect to change anyone's mind, but I will certainly set the scene for people to make themselves look dumber.

  • @PJH said:

    @bridget99 said:
    Once we agree that Adria had her reasons for going public,
    Oh, she had her reasons - we can agree on that.

    However those reasons are that she's a professional shit-stirrer and offendee (see previous link) - which I rather suspect we won't agree on since you seem blind to the fact that she's anything other than a delicate little thing that can never ever hear or see anything that could be misconstrued.

    Unless - of course - it's her saying it.

    Rhetorical question I know, but did you actually click (and read, and comprehend) any of those links I posted?

    If you don't ignore evidence of a person's double standards, you cant possibly maintain a rage thread like this. (the first link to twitter you posted doesn't work for me btw, only the one about racism)

    I maintain that this is largely pointless. I doubt if you actually look at what's happened in the wake of this you would think any benefit has come out of it. 2 people got fired who probably shouldn't have been. Angry misogynists dug their trenches against 'militant feminism' a little bit deeper and with relish spewed hatred and threats against their perceived enemies, taking another proof of the 'correctness' of their position to throw in the face of dissenting argument.

    Issues like this can't be resolved with the angry swing of a hammer. Something more delicate is required.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Algorythmics said:

    the first link to twitter you posted doesn't work for me btw
    I buggered up the HTML href - fixed it. (Repeated here for convenience)

    @Algorythmics said:
    Something more delicate is required.
    Adria pretends to be delicate - would that count? ;)

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Algorythmics said:


    Does this even have meaning anymore? Like most -phobe words, it's overused and seems to mean, "disagrees with me."

    @Algorythmics said:

    Issues like this can't be resolved with the angry swing of a hammer.

    It's true. Anger typically impairs aim.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    Could you mark when your posts switch from "bridget99 (person)" to "bridget99 (troll)"? because I'm having trouble telling them apart in this thread.

    I don't think it's possible to determine where one ends and the other begins.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @The_Assimilator said:

    @blakeyrat said:
    Could you mark when your posts switch from "bridget99 (person)" to "bridget99 (troll)"? because I'm having trouble telling them apart in this thread.

    I don't think it's possible to determine where one ends and the other begins.

    I wasn't under the impression that there was more than one type.

  • @bridget99 said:

    to know that this approach gets things wrong about as often as the old, purely superstition-based approach did.

    In some African countries you can get accused by a random man on the street of stealing his penis (yes, really), and get killed by an angry mob minutes later. That's what superstition is. Just saying.

  • She should consider having sex with a bearded man !

  • All of this "offense" at sexual innuendo is ridiculous.
    Males and Females are different, physically and psychologically.
    Sex is natural and enjoyable and necessary to the survival of the species.
    Talking about sex and making jokes about sex are natural as well.  Sex is the prime motive force for life.
    Being offended by sexual references in someone else's private conversation is indicative of socialization issues.

    The "neckbeards" did nothing so heinous that they deserved more than a direct verbal admonishion from the "offended party".
    If they had then continued their "offensive" action then they should have been reported to the meeting organizers.
    If they continued after that, or if the meeting organizers ignored the offence, then they should have been outed publically.

    While I can understand someone being offended by an off color joke, the first course of action should be to admonish the offender directly.  The course of action chosen in this case was counter productive.  Rather than helping to overturn stereotypes about women it created a new stereotype of a hyper sensitive, passive aggressive, sexually repressed, hair trigger b**** who will look for any excuse and use any subterfuge to destroy the career/life of anyone she chooses.

    Also, if this woman didn't want to hear about big dongles, she should have quit eavesdropping on the conversation.

  • @boomzilla said:

    @Algorythmics said:

    Does this even have meaning anymore? Like most -phobe words, it's overused and seems to mean, "disagrees with me."

    @Algorythmics said:

    Issues like this can't be resolved with the angry swing of a hammer.

    It's true. Anger typically impairs aim.

    Very true, and it leads to smashed thumbs. No one wants a smashed thumb. It hurts. And sometimes the nail turns black and falls off, and that's just gross.

    @Medezark said:

    Bunch of words

    That's pretty much my point there. She went nuclear as the first option when there were other ways of dealing with it. Mind you, other ways that didn't really let her get all sorts of attention and play up the victim role and make herself the heroine. Which, apparently, somewhat backfired since her employer apparently thought what she did was BS and fired her.

  • @Master Chief said:

    They'll instead go to their hugbox (in this case, her twitter followers) to get encouragement on how right she is and hopefully humiliate the perpetrators. This is pathetic, but not wrong.

    Yes, it is - it's called cowardice and "strength in numbers", using increased muscle to lend credibility to something that's incorrect. Her actions smack of armchair warrior mentality that gains strength from sycophants all rallying behind her.

    @Master Chief said:

    When you threaten their livelihood, and that of their spouses and children, you've not only lost your moral high ground, you've lost ALL the moral high ground.

    In her defence, I'm not certain she knew this would be the eventual outcome.  There doesn't seem to be any indication this was her desired outcome, either. It feels like it was poorly thought-out and executed: it's caused a storm, fuckwits have relished the opportunity to expose more of their fuckwittery and good people have lost out. Had she considered the ramifications of her actions perhaps she'd do things differently, but hindsight is always 20/20.

    @Master Chief said:

    Especially considering her history, this comes off as another instance of someone seeking a spotlight for the one thing that any schmuck can do; be offended.

    It's been interesting to read how many people (women and men) have been horrified at her actions and seek to distance themselves from her ilk. She certainly has form, and sadly she'll be judged upon her attitudes and behaviour more than her intelligence and capability - almost turning into a parody of the very thing she sought to avoid.

  • This is that stuff with that Adria Richards or w/e girl right?  Total bitch IMO (in fact I'd go as far as to use the dreaded "c" word).  She OVERHEARD two guys at a conference saying things about "dongles" and making the comment "I'd fork that repo" and TOOK OFFENSE.  She then decided to go on a moral crusade for women's rights by taking their picture and tweeting/blogging about how offended she was (despite the fact they were TALKING TO EACH OTHER AND NOT TO HER) and demanded retribution.  One of the guys, a father of three, was FIRED because some feminist overheard him talking to his buddy and didn't like what they were saying.  Adria was then the subject of harassment out of retribution and ultilmately SHE was fired for causing this shitstorm.

    This lady gets no sympathy from me whatsoever.  She is whats wrong with America today; overhear somebody NOT TALKING TO YOU say something you find offensive? Why, it's your duty to right that wrong and punish the evildoer.  I could maybe, MAYBE understand her being offended if the guys had been like "Hey baby want to see my dongle?" or "Can I fork your repo shawty?" or similar to her directly, but if somebody behind you makes a sexual joke that has nothing at all to do with you, you ignore it.  This dumb bitch decided instead to go on a moral crusade and play the minority card because she's also evidently at least part African-American and Jewish, so therefore she has every fight to be offended by two white guys making a joke to each other that could be offensive to thin-skinned women.

    As an extra WTF I also saw a previous tweet from her at some time in the past where she basically said something to the effect of: "It's impossible for black people to be racist against whites, because white people are the oppressors".

    As someone else said this is just going to reinforce the fact that girls "don't belong" in IT because they aren't "one of the guys" and if you say something that might be offensive, they'll go screaming to HR to get you fired because you were joking about dongles or forking or how hot Leia was in the slave outfit, or Seven-of-Nine or how you'd do Sylvanas Windrunner from WoW.

  • @nonpartisan said:

    And if my last two words offend you, so be it:  fuck off.

    *wades uninvited into argument*

    *screen-dumps words that offend me*

    *blogs an image of nonpartisan's avatar plus words and conceited opinion about how sexist and racist comments like this put back the undermined role of opressed single white men in the nursing industry*

    *basks in warm self-indulgent glow of sycophantic adoration from twatter followers*

  • @ObiWayneKenobi said:

    reinforce the fact

    You mean to write "reinforce the false idea".


    Okay, let me get this straight.

    Bridget creates a rant thread about something without giving any context but a picture showing two guys with "neckbeards". From what little context I could gather these two guys made some pretty lame sex jokes around the word "dongle". Um yeah, that's old hat and not very creative, but so what? Someone standing by got all offended by this instead of brushing it off. Two (or three?) people got fired because of this??

    Are you guys all freaking insane? Making some totally innocent sex joke to your buddy is a fireable offense now? How about firing every human being ever, then?
    How prudish can you become!? Might as well stop even thinking about sex and all get IVF. While you're at it, go along and be offended that babies are born naked.

    And what the fuck is up with bridget's "neckbeard" shit? IMO, there's nothing overly offensive with these guy's beards.

    @El_Heffe said:

    Adria Richards is a professional victim.  Someone who spends a great deal of time trying to find something to be offended by. 
    Sure sounds like it.


  • @spamcourt said:

    @bridget99 said:
    to know that this approach gets things wrong about as often as the old, purely superstition-based approach did.

    In some African countries you can get accused by a random man on the street of stealing his penis (yes, really), and get killed by an angry mob minutes later. That's what superstition is. Just saying.

    I think that's considered more mass hysteria, like this incident in Seattle. Although I guess the two terms are not mutually-exclusive.

    Anyway the point is, bridget99's statement about ignoring all facts and arguing based only on emotion was more obviously a troll post than most in this thread. I honestly believe there's a non-troll bridget99 around, but I'm probably being way too generous and wrong.

    Bioshock Infinite is amazing.

  • @topspin said:

    Okay, let me get this straight.

    Bridget creates a rant thread about something without giving any context but a picture showing two guys with "neckbeards". From what little context I could gather these two guys made some pretty lame sex jokes around the word "dongle". Um yeah, that's old hat and not very creative, but so what? Someone standing by got all offended by this instead of brushing it off. Two (or three?) people got fired because of this??


    Two.  Basically three people (the two guys whose names I forget, we'll call them Guy A and Guy B, and Adria) were at a Python convention.  The two guys were friends/co-workers.  They were sitting at least one row behind Adria.  The guys started laughing and made a "dongle" and "Forking" joke.  Adria, who was not involved in the conversation, overheard this and took offense because it was "sexist" and she feels it has no place at a convention because there's already a lack of females in IT/programming, and lewd jokes are a reason why (in her opinion), apparantly there was at least one and possibly more groups of female Python enthusiasts at the convention that Adria felt she needed to stick up for (it was also stated and I forget if proven that she had the two guys thrown out of the conference after complaining to the organizers).  Adria takes a picture of the guys and posts to her twitter and writes a lengthy ranting blog post about how this is sexist and doesn't belong at a conference.  At some point during this, A and B's employer finds out/hears of it and fires Guy A (presumably he was on thin ice and this was an excuse, because Guy B was not fired).  The interwebs explode; Adria receives applause, curses, death threats, rape threats, and everything in between.  A day or so later, SendGrid, Adria's employer, fires her, presumably over extremely bad PR.


  • @bridget99 said:

    You said this isn't how civilization works. I agree. This is not how our misogynistic, Eurocentric, reason-biased society has worked so far. We disagree on whether or not this is acceptable. I happen to think that the current system, with its quasi-polite, entrenched sexism, has yielded some pretty suboptimal results, like classless neckbeards getting paid big bucks to type into a scary-looking BASH window at sixty words per day. To stand up and call these people out on their crap is only good.
    What I find sad is that you're happy to throw out stereotypes and name-calling (obsessing about the beard thing) when complaining about sexism.

    By the way, sexism is more about claimig something along the lines of "you possibly couldn't do a proper job in technology; after all, you're a woman" then it is about innuendoes.

    Euro-centric? Would you rather have the Middle East, Africa or Asia when it comes to women's rights and their standing in society?

    Things awlays change slowly. A hundred years ago, you would have stayed home and raised the children. If your husband beat you up, nobody would have given a toss.

    So whilst it's frustrating that you're (being) disadvantaged because you're a woman, at least you have a chance to get somewhere, instead of popping out a baby every year. You'll have to work harder at it than I do (I'm male, western European, tall, fair, and heterosexual, so probably the most priviliged kind of person on the planet after for royalty), sure. But at least you can.

    Hopefully, in the not-so-near future we'd all have the same chance, regardless of gender, colour, or sexual orientation. It's not going to happen in your lifetime, though.

    But the people who can bring it about are the disadvantaged (in this case, women), by working harder than their priviliged counterparts, and showing what they're capable off. It's not going to happen by being offended and inform the world how mean everybody is.

    It's absolutely unfair. But there's also no other way. You'll be paving the path for the next generation of women, just like the previous generations of women gave you the chance to achieve what you have.

  • @ObiWayneKenobi said:

    As an extra WTF I also saw a previous tweet from her at some time in the past where she basically said something to the effect of: "It's impossible for black people to be racist against whites, because white people are the oppressors".

    It was linked in PJ's post.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    I honestly believe there's a non-troll bridget99 around

    I'd like to believe that but I can't honestly recall any evidence... and this threat is fast dissipating my belief.

    @Severity One said:

    I'm male, western European, tall, fair, and heterosexual, so probably the most privileged kind of person on the planet after for royalty

    Also the most under-represented. Many equal opportunities groups have representatives to "fight for their rights".

  • In short:

    1) Adria Richards complains about sexism

    2) She gets hounded out of her job by dudebros posting rape-threats and death-threats to her and to her company.

    And you guys are all OK with that?

    Good to know.

  • @markfiend said:

    In short:

    1) Adria Richards complains about sexism

    2) She gets hounded out of her job by dudebros posting rape-threats and death-threats to her and to her company.

    And you guys are all OK with that?

    Good to know.


    Yeah, I am, because this bitch took it upon herself to get a man fired because she didn't like a private conversation he was having with a co-worker and she went on a rampage.  Behavior like that SHOULD be punished.  To reiterate she wasn't complaining about a sexual joke directed to her, or sexism against women at a conference, she was complaining because some stranger was having a private talk with someone else, not involving her at all, and she happened to overhear "dongle" and "fork" in what may or may not be a sexual connotation (but not in any way shape or form directed to her), and proceeded to stir up a shitstorm.

    It would be like if you were Jewish and overheard somebody talking to a friend and saying "Bob, you're such a Jew with money!" and then proceeding to go on a rant how those people are Anti-Semites and trying to get them fired.  Would THAT be acceptable behavior?  I think not.


  • @markfiend said:

    In short:

    1) Adria Richards complains about sexism

    2) She gets hounded out of her job by dudebros posting rape-threats and death-threats to her and to her company.

    And you guys are all OK with that?

    Good to know.

    To quote myself:

    @blakeyrat said:

    Nobody came out a winner in this whole affair. Everybody loses.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @markfiend said:

    In short:

    1) Adria Richards complains about sexism

    2) She gets hounded out of her job by dudebros posting rape-threats and death-threats to her and to her company.

    And you guys are all OK with that?

    Good to know.

    OK with what? What actually happened, or what you said happened? The way you tell it, it sounds awful. Fortunately, your telling bears only a passing resemblance to reality, so I'm good.

  • @markfiend said:

    In short:

    1) Adria Richards complains about sexism

    2) She gets hounded out of her job by dudebros posting rape-threats and death-threats to her and to her company.

    And you guys are all OK with that?

    Good to know.

    In short:

    1. markfiend didnt read most of this thread

      Good to know.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @ObiWayneKenobi said:

    @markfiend said:

    In short:

    1) Adria Richards complains about sexism

    2) She gets hounded out of her job by dudebros posting rape-threats and death-threats to her and to her company.

    And you guys are all OK with that?

    Good to know.


    Yeah, I am, because this bitch took it upon herself to get a man fired because she didn't like a private conversation he was having with a co-worker and she went on a rampage.  Behavior like that SHOULD be punished.  To reiterate she wasn't complaining about a sexual joke directed to her, or sexism against women at a conference, she was complaining because some stranger was having a private talk with someone else, not involving her at all, and she happened to overhear "dongle" and "fork" in what may or may not be a sexual connotation (but not in any way shape or form directed to her), and proceeded to stir up a shitstorm.

    It would be like if you were Jewish and overheard somebody talking to a friend and saying "Bob, you're such a Jew with money!" and then proceeding to go on a rant how those people are Anti-Semites and trying to get them fired.  Would THAT be acceptable behavior?  I think not.


    Not to defend this woman or her actions, responding to her with rape and death threats are reprehensible and wrong, not to mention counterproductive and only gives her and her defenders more perception of higher moral ground. To continue your analogy, anyone who responds to the Jewish person with threats would, and should, be condemned as much, if not more, than his own actions.

  • @RHuckster said:

    Not to defend this woman or her actions, responding to her with rape and death threats are reprehensible and wrong, not to mention counterproductive and only gives her and her defenders more perception of higher moral ground. To continue your analogy, anyone who responds to the Jewish person with threats would, and should, be condemned as much, if not more, than his own actions.

    Oh definitely.  I'm not in any way condoning death/rape threats against her, but I don't have sympathy for her receiving it either.  In fact, I'd go as far to say that she brought it on herself for causing the shitstorm she did.


  • @Cassidy said:

    Also the most under-represented. Many equal opportunities groups have representatives to "fight for their rights".

    Yup. Pretty much the only group that gives a shit about the 18-49 year-old white male is the group that wants to sell us stuff.

    Everything else we're on our own.

  • @ObiWayneKenobi said:

    I'm not in any way condoning death/rape threats against her, but I don't have sympathy for her receiving it either.

    Join the club.

    @ObiWayneKenobi said:

    In fact, I'd go as far to say that she brought it on herself for causing the shitstorm she did.

    Meh... I don't think she invited death/rape threats, but she certainly courted publicity to raise awareness of the situation and for every vociferous supporter there's bound to be a rabid protester. She's gotta expect backlash for what she did (uploading a snapped photo it and tagging it with a judgemental opinion).

    It's being referred to "donglegate" over here. And quite a number of Limeys are just shaking their head with "only in America" mutterings.

  • The rape and death threats probably came from "Anonymous". The worst thing they actually ever do is send pizzas to your house. They use rape because they know some feminists tend to be kinda obsessed with it, so it's just their way of "provoking lulz". Not that I like it, but it's pretty much inevitable.

  • @spamcourt said:

    The rape and death threats probably came from "Anonymous".

    From what I read, the rape/death threats came from commenting armchair warriors. Anonymous are supposedly behind the DoS attacks.

    Of course, if anonymous were behind the threats, we'd be none the wiser.

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