Apache Wicket Gotchas?

  • TLDR:

    - To those who use Wicket, what kind of pitfalls did you experience when you first started using it?
    - More in general, any tips on how to deal with my employer if they expect too much?



    So I recently accepted a job that will have me working with Apache Wicket as the company "upgrades" their legacy code to Java.

    My Java experience is ... My current language of choice is C#, so Java feels familiar-yet-different-- like a foreign girlfriend or something.

    My Wicket experience is ... outside of being ordered to read "Wicket in Action" to prepare for the job, I have no experience with it. Working through the book, it all seems well-designed and the F-word counter is still <10.

    The team and working conditions are awesome, they bought me a top-of-the-line ThinkPad, office chair of my choice, etc. I don't want to screw up. I'm sort of worried actually, especially since 10 people separately approved of me despite the lack of relevant experience.

    If anyone out there has tips or advice they wish they'd have known when they first started using Wicket, please post it.

  • @garyniger said:


    - To those who use Wicket, what kind of pitfalls did you experience when you first started using it?
    - More in general, any tips on how to deal with my employer if they expect too much?



    So I recently accepted a job that will have me working with Apache Wicket as the company "upgrades" their legacy code to Java.

    My Java experience is ... My current language of choice is C#, so Java feels familiar-yet-different-- like a foreign girlfriend or something.

    My Wicket experience is ... outside of being ordered to read "Wicket in Action" to prepare for the job, I have no experience with it. Working through the book, it all seems well-designed and the F-word counter is still <10.

    The team and working conditions are awesome, they bought me a top-of-the-line ThinkPad, office chair of my choice, etc. I don't want to screw up. I'm sort of worried actually, especially since 10 people separately approved of me despite the lack of relevant experience.

    If anyone out there has tips or advice they wish they'd have known when they first started using Wicket, please post it.

    If you feel that you are less qualified, then you likely are.

  •  Especially when you come from outside Java implement in your app that it load the html files from outside the war. This will dramatically speed up your styling of your webapp. 

     Gotchas i feel are behaviors. Look at the hierachy of behaviors availalable from this point up: http://ci.apache.org/projects/wicket/apidocs/6.0.x/org/apache/wicket/ajax/form/OnChangeAjaxBehavior.html . This way you will avoid creating unneccesarilly your own behaviors and use correct behaviors for correct components.

     Use models. Use them them the right way.

     Use onConfigure to pull, not push state.

     Dont be afraid of creating own components.

     Use Events ( http://ci.apache.org/projects/wicket/apidocs/6.0.x/org/apache/wicket/event/IEvent.html ) as a last resort and sparingly.

     Program the Wicket-Way

     Clarify the way you want to handle the backbutton.

     Block your UI for intense AjaxRequests

     Avoid wicket:Enclosure

    Dont disable the Ajax Debug Window. Immediately fix errors if you see some there.

    Use Netbeans. Do not ignore its warnings.

    Read a lot about wicket. 

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