Apache Solr Index rebuild from scratch every Sunday: Is this normal?

  • From another senior dev with 18 years of experience.

    He said there is one website he made and it uses Apache Solr.

    He says the website has to throw away the Solr index every Sunday and rebuild from scratch.
    During that time, the search feature is unavailable.

    Is this normal?

  • You might get more responses if you put "Apache SOLR" in the title.

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    @Ascendant said:

    Apache Solr.

    In case nobody here even knows what this is, you can investigate http://lucene.apache.org/solr/resources.html#community for people who know the product.

    I would say that complete downtime to do an index rebuild is (probably) not normal, and might be a holdover from ye olden days of thinking.

    Also see here:

    It's reasonable to wonder why deleting the existing data and building it again is necessary. Here's why: When you change your schema, nothing happens to the existing data in the index. When Solr tries to access the existing data in the index, it uses the schema as a guide to interpreting that data. If the index contains rows that have a field built with the SortableIntField class and then Solr tries to access that data with a different class (such as TrieIntField), there's a good chance that an unrecoverable error will occur.

    So, if every Sunday they're essentially re-initializing the whole thing (for some reason), then maybe yes, for this project it might be normal. It would still be a WTF though.

  • So it's normal for a forum that uses Apache Solr to stop the "search threads" feature every Sunday?

    I think he said it takes 6 hours to rebuild but apart from the time taken, it is normal for a forum not to be available to search threads and comments for some time every Sunday?

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    No idea, I don't use the software. But it seems mistakes have been made if this is the case.

    A modern forum (Except Discourse) should never need to "go down" for maintenance every week, unless it's some kind of upgrade/software patch.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said:

    A modern forum (Except Discourse) should never need to "go down" for maintenance every week, unless it's some kind of upgrade/software patch.

    Exactly. I don't see a point of using something like a search engine if you have to close down every now and then just to keep the service running.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    You might get more responses if you put "Apache SOLR" in the title.

    And possibly stick it in one of the Help categories...

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