The Official Status Thread

  • 🚽 Regular

    @ben_lubar said:

    πŸ’° and also we show you this picture of some random object and a phrase you told us previously so that you can be sure we're who we say we are
    πŸ‘¦ wait, what?
    πŸ’° also you have some security questions which you have to choose from this predefined list of 5 questions where 4 of them don't apply to you and the last one is so obvious that anyone could find out the answer in like 2 seconds of Googling.

    My Bank (credit card) has now improved on this security theatre by having you type in your username, password and 'security' answers before it shows you the picture you're supposed to recognise :facepalm:

    It was displayed after you had entered your username but before anything else which was the sensible place to put the damn thing.
    So if it isn't the right picture I've already given all my security information to the bad guys. Much security. Wow.


    I have token authentication for web access. The token is now a mobile app, so no extra hardware is nice. There's still a PIN on the app and you can't just reinstall it without getting a new activation key from the bank, so the security is adequate.

    Now, the app itself used to have a thing where it popped up a flag of a random state to confirm that's the one you got on the first run. It's gone now so... I guess they figured out it's useless? On the flipside, the whole app is much slower now and is loading unnecessary bullshit on every run, so... yay?

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Onyx said:

    I have token authentication for web access. The token is now a mobile app, so no extra hardware is nice. There's still a PIN on the app and you can't just reinstall it without getting a new activation key from the bank, so the security is adequate.

    Neither of my banks have anything like that. I wish there was a legal requirement for proper two factor. It's insane that I can get OTP authenticators for online games but not my bloody bank.

  • FoxDev

    Status****strong text

    Sick enough to feel liek shit, not sick enough to call out sick to work.


    This is literally the worst.

  • With a little luck you get to infect the whole office before you are sick enough to stay home.

    Get well soon.

  • FoxDev

    *roots through her reaction images folder*

    Darn it! There's nothing suitable! Oh well, have Twilight Sparkle:

    Edit: Hmm... after a while, that stare starts to get creepy...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @accalia said:

    Status****strong text

    Sick enough to feel liek shit, not sick enough to call out sick to work.


    This is literally the worst.


  • If you're sick, it doesn't matter how much, don't go to work. Goddamned you people are awful.

    You can make an exception if it's something you 100% know is not contagious, like, say, a hang-over. But you probably shouldn't go to work hung-over, either, for different reasons.

    @accalia said:

    This is literally the worst.

    Yeah, it is.

    #SO DON'T DO IT.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    This is literally the worst.

    Yeah, it is.


    ###Don't do it @accalia!


  • @accalia said:

    Sick enough to feel liek shit, notherefore sick enough to call out sick to work.

    Post can't be empty

  • Yeah. They got much better at it as it went on.

    @ben_lubar said:

    Status: Just saw the word Zootopia.

    I actually agree with Fox for once, to a lesser extent. Best movie about racism I've ever seen. And

  • What is this new HTML tag? <nbsp/> Did you mean &nbsp;?

  • I'm uh... just um, uh.... TESTING your converter! Yeah, that's it!


    YouTube autoplay is very strange. Start with 80-ies pop, end up with AC-DC marathon. Start with Sting, end up with Foo Fighters.

    It seems all avenues lead to hard rock with them.

  • FoxDev

    @cartman82 said:

    Foo Fighters

    @cartman82 said:
    hard rock

    *is not sure that quite works*

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @cartman82 said:

    It seems all avenues lead to hard rock with them.

    Well once YouTube notices you (apparently) like music videos...

  • Don't worry, that's better than what happens to me. Apparently for most internet radios, if I want punk, what I actually mean is that I want emopop.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @RaceProUK said:

    @cartman82 said:
    Foo Fighters

    @cartman82 said:
    hard rock

    *is not sure that quite works*
    Their recent stuff leans in that direction. It's actually funny but if you watch who Dave Ghroul collaborates with before a new album comes out you can guess the sound. Also go to a gig. Fantastic show man.

    In other news. I just received this.


  • Status: Just finished the known code changes to upgrade our main project from .NET 3.5 to .NET 4.5.2 (yes, I started on this task before 4.6 was released, can't be too picky doing all the work yourself).

  • FoxDev

    At least 4.5.2 to 4.6 should be a minimal amount of work ;)

  • We're trying to move from 4 to 4.5.2, and will probably succeed in doing so, though part of the application may have to wait a year.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    Goddamned you people are awful.

    Agreed. And on the other side of the coin, employers who don't provide sufficient sick days, or who have an unspoken policy of "you have sick days but will be heavily penalized for using them" can all go suck an AIDS-infected tampon.

  • @RaceProUK said:

    At least 4.5.2 to 4.6 should be a minimal amount of work πŸ˜‰

    It's not just the bare .NET upgrade that has me worried. It's the corresponding library changes that are going to be problematic as well. For example, we use the following libraries in our main project, fairly extensively with the noted upgrades:

    • Enterprise Framework
      • v 3 to 5. Couldn't do 6 for inter-dependency reasons.
    • AjaxControlToolkit
      • v3.5 to 15.1
    • CompositeWeb
      • 2.0 to 3.5 w/custom compile. Hasn't been maintained since well before .NET 4.5 was released, had to download and compile own version. This is why we can't currently go to Enterprise Framework v6.
    • CKEditor
      • Was FCKEditor v2, they underwent a name change to CKEditor and we are now on .NET v3.6.4.

    Before I can upgrade to .NET 4.6, I Need to get rid of the CompositeWeb library, but there are other high priority projects first. The only reason I was able to get away with devoting time to the .NET 4.5.2 upgrade is that it made other projects feasible.

  • @DogsB said:

    STATUS I put too much "moisturizer" on my "hands" and now my keyboard is gooey.

    FTF :giggity:

  • FoxDev

    @abarker said:

    Enterprise Framework

    Should work just as well on 4.6 as it does on 4.5.2.

    @abarker said:



    @abarker said:


    No idea; never used this library. But I'd be surprised if it worked on 4.5.2 but not 4.6.

    @abarker said:


    Not used this either, but it's clearly the roadblock; as you've already intimated, the sooner you can dump this, the better.

  • FoxDev

    Status****strong textπŸ˜„

    just sent this in an email to another department indicating that a service they rely on has been finally pushed to production.

    accalia@accalia:~ $> Deploy --what=IT_I_AM_ON_FIRE_APP_MON_ROBOT --environment=Production
    Status: Deploying IT_I_AM_ON_FIRE_APP_MON_ROBOT to Production
    Notice: Initial Deploy of Service. Generating Service Configuration...
    WARNING: Regenerating Access Token for Service. Generated Access Token: 5e3f484d-492c-42fa-8b9b-f5a459e8f4eb
    WARNING: Generating URLS for service:
    Notice: Running Development Tests:
    	- Valid Query: 				OK
    	- Invalid Access Token Query: 		OK
    	- Valid Update Request:			OK
    Notice: All Development Tests Pass.
    SUCCESS: Deploy Complete.
    accalia@accalia:~ $>

    cue email asking me where this "magical" deploy script is in 3...2...1...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    where this "magical" deploy script is found? How the production get deploid?

  • FoxDev

    @Tsaukpaetra said:

    where this "magical" deploy script is found?

    doesn't exist. i faked the ouptut for funzies.


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: I love developing something, then going back and getting Requirements and Design doc approvals for it...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Jarry said:

    @DogsB said:
    STATUS I put too much "moisturizer" on my "hands" and now my keyboard is gooey.

    FTF :giggity:

    "Goal" for the week approved.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Wat.

    Why is a GUID column a varchar(100)? I'm not even going to comment on the insanity (in this instance) of having a PACKAGE GUID (in comparison to may be Package ID) despite there being less than ten packages ever.

  • @Magus said:

    Best movie about racism I've ever seen.

    They Call Me MISTER Tibbs!

    You haven't seen enough movies.

  • Quick quote I found on Quora:

    When Steve Jobs accused Bill Gates of stealing from Apple, Gates said, "I think it's more like we both had this rich neighbor named Xerox and I broke into his house to steal the TV set and found out that you had already stolen it."

    Made me LOL. Probably fake though.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Despising unhelpful error messages:

    [Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "declare @PackageStartTime datetime
    set @PackageSt..." failed with the following error: "Incorrect syntax near '?'.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

    Edit: Well, at least it was somewhat accurate, Switching between OleDb to ADO.Net means how parameters are specified is different. Woot.

  • @HardwareGeek said:

    The interview is at 08:00 Monday morning. 😴

    The interview went pretty well. The interviewer apologized for the early hour; it was the only slot he had available all day. I was ready in plenty of time and was already in the meeting when he joined; he was eating his breakfast while we talked.

    Technical: Given this thing, how would you test it? What error conditions would you look for? Would you like to code one of the blocks in the test setup? Shared screens; wrote code while he watched (part of the time; he stepped out a couple of times). A few minutes before the end of the time, he stopped me to talk about what I had written. "Well, I haven't actually implemented this and this, yet." "That's fine. What you have implemented is more than sufficient; I'm sure you can finish it." Explained what I was doing, the reasoning behind it and the assumptions I had made. He was "quite positive" about me. We talked a bit about my availability, relocation, whether this would convert to a FTE position (it's likely, eventually). Saved the code I had written and emailed to him, at his request.

    I have another phone interview (with a different company) this afternoon.

  • 39 posts were split to a new topic: :music: Sound on Windows 10 (and KDE) (and wallpapers)

  • A post was merged into an existing topic: :music: Sound on Windows 10 (and KDE) (and wallpapers)

  • A post was merged into an existing topic: :music: Sound on Windows 10 (and KDE) (and wallpapers)

  • Status: trying to sort out the paperwork for the place I'm moving into next week. Nearly as much paperwork as I've ever had for a tenancy, even though it's lodgings. And I've received a list of house rules that state, amongst all the usual things, that "no items relating to the occult may be brought into the property".

    Not that that's a problem, assuming my Lovecraft collection isn't counted, but I've never encountered anything like that before.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @accalia said:

    doesn't exist. i faked the ouptut for funzies.


    Well, at least that means you might not have the problem of having swypo'd a domain name. πŸ˜‰

  • FoxDev

    @dkf said:

    @accalia said:
    doesn't exist. i faked the ouptut for funzies.


    Well, at least that means you might not have the problem of having swypo'd a domain name. πŸ˜‰

    nah, that's part of the anonymization effort. i checked the real domain names.

  • @CarrieVS said:

    Status: trying to sort out the paperwork for the place I'm moving into next week. Nearly as much paperwork as I've ever had for a tenancy, even though it's lodgings. And I've received a list of house rules that state, amongst all the usual things, that "no items relating to the occult may be brought into the property".

    Not that that's a problem, assuming my Lovecraft collection isn't counted, but I've never encountered anything like that before.

    I guess that also means that quite a number of movies are right out, too.

  • I'm fairly sure that fiction that happens to include something occult won't be a problem. I know there are people who object to magic in fiction, but I think they're a pretty small minority and she seemed perfectly normal when I met her.

  • So during the cootiestorm that just ended, this site had my company's 'blocked by IT' page. When it came back up, the block page was gone. Well done IT.


    They probably have the proxy just push that page based on HTTP status.

  • Well it even categorized it as newsgroups/forums!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: This... Package... Cannot... FAIL!!!!

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Status: attempting to convince $ISP first tier support that this 5-10% packet loss I'm having is (1) a big freaking deal and (2) external to my network / modem (which has the same signal strength as it did the day my connection was installed).

    :headdesk: :headdesk: :headdesk: :headdesk: :headdesk: :headdesk: :headdesk: :headdesk: :headdesk: :headdesk: :headdesk: :headdesk:

  • @HardwareGeek said:

    I have another phone interview (with a different company) this afternoon.

    I think this one went reasonably well, too, although I'm a bit less confident about it. Less feedback from the interviewer during the interview. Just email the answers to the code questions into the void, and the interviewer will look at them offline. Expect a response β€” good or bad β€” quickly, though; should hear from the agency tomorrow. This would be a contract of up to 18 months.

    Also got an email with a questionnaire about an application for an unrelated application for a FTE position with the same company. I need to relax a little before I tackle that, though; I'm pretty stressed from this interview β€”wondering what I overlooked in answering the coding questions, and the fact that I went beyond the nominal 1 hour time to finish writing them, and I was still finding edge cases I wasn't handling correctly. The biggest advantage of the FTE position, beside the relative long-term stability of being FTE, is that I wouldn't have to relocate.

  • @izzion said:

    first tier support


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