Nice things in nodeBB

  • @FrostCat the problem is that that number is also used for inifiniscroll, and loading 500 posts at a time is slow.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @boomzilla said:

    Why should it bother me that helping myself helps someone else? Is it harming me?

    Well, it cuts into your pool of "yelling at kids to get off your lawn" time.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ben_lubar Have a :whoosh: , Ben.

  • @ben_lubar said:

    If it's slower than what we had with Discourse, it'll still be an improvement.

  • FoxDev

    @boomzilla said:

    Sort of. But also, habits changed on discourse from CS. It was very rare to have topics go over 200 posts, IIRC, on CS. Posting took a lot more time and just seeing new posts and reading them was more laborious and difficult.

    That makes a lot of sense actually. I know I was on CS, but only in Sidebar, and I never really saw the long-thread issues with it; now I know :)

  • @ben_lubar said:

    that number is also used for inifiniscroll

    The same number used for two vaguely-similar-but-not-really purposes. :doing_it_wrong:

  • @Tsaukpaetra said:

    Zounds but I hate the lack of post attribution.

    Yes, having decent post attribution (as opposed to leaving it to the editing software and the users' tender mercies like nearly every BBS since the earliest days of netnews and FidoNet) that actually worked most of the time (which is harder than it sounds) was one of the good things about Discourse.

    Yes, there were good things about Discourse. Jeff had plenty of good new (or rarely applied) ideas mixed in with all the terrible ones, and a few were even successfully implemented, sort of.

    To me, that's the real pisser about the whole Dicksores debacle. Discourse really did have the potential to be an improvement over existing forum software as it existed in 2007. It was ambitious, it took risks, it had some real thought put into it. The problem wasn't the design or the implementation (well, not the main problem, anyway, both had some serious problems but most could have been fixed or removed eventually), it was the messianic attitude Jeff developed while creating it. After his involvement with SO, and the mild popularity of his :doing_it_wrong: blog, he concluded that he knew forum software and moderation better than anyone, and he was determined to sail right into that iceberg - bug reports, jellypotatoes, and server cooties be damned.

    So again, the biggest flaw in Ducksauce was the person creating it.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @HardwareGeek said:

    @ben_lubar said:

    that number is also used for inifiniscroll

    The same number used for two vaguely-similar-but-not-really purposes. :doing_it_wrong:

    Actually pretty identical. It's the limit of the number of posts loaded at a time. One gives you a new page, the other adds them to the existing page (and maybe takes some off the top).

  • @kt_ said:

    @powerlord Well, I kinda like infiniscroll, so I'm staying with it for now.

    Adding infiniwhine to :disco: 🐎 was one of Jeff's best ideas. Making it mandatory was one of his worst. Even as a default setting, it is likely to piss more people off than it would please (though informing users of it and getting them to try it if it isn't the default is tricky), but not giving any choice at all was a disaster.

  • Apropos DiskWhores, Yahtzee's commentary on the 2008 reboot of Alone In The Dark (1:27 onwards) seems to fit Discourse pretty well, too:
    ALONE IN THE DARK (Zero Punctuation) – 05:09
    — The Escapist

    What's tragic is that the good ship Alone in the Dark can see Port Good Game without a telescope, but they were apparently in such a hurry to get there that they accidentally landed at the Cock-Up Peninsula. It's full of good ideas balanced by terrible execution, which I will illustrate using two hypothetical designers I'm going to call Terry and Gonad.
    ."Hey," said Terry, "let's have a damage system where you actually see persistent wound decals on your character's body."
    "Ok," replies Gonad, "but let's put them on the outside of his clothes so they look like someone glued slices of ham to his jumper."
    "Hey again," says Terry. "How about a dangerous gooey black floor that becomes neutralized by bright lights?"
    "Okay again," says Gonad. "Now let's make the flashlight incredibly ineffectual against it, and make it a one hit kill."
    Then a broken and jaded Terry starts sniffing glue, while Gonad goes into the fetal position and softly giggles to himself.

    That seems a pretty good analogy to what Jeff must have been thinking while designing D&C.

  • Java Dev

    Just now, I was browsing nodebb while watching a twitch video in another window. The twitch video didn't drop a frame - back on discourse, it would freeze for seconds on every page load.

  • @PleegWat said in Nice things in nodeBB:

    Just now, I was browsing nodebb while watching a twitch video in another window. The twitch video didn't drop a frame - back on discourse, it would freeze for seconds on every page load.

    Over the past few months, I've noticed a much longer battery life on my dhromebook.

  • I'd be interested to know if it is possible to make something like XenForo work the way NodeBB/Diss&Curse want to work.

    I.e. is there a need to go through all these teething troubles that the older forums have solved, just to get a couple of new features, or did NodeBB and D&C really have to be rewritten from the ground up?

  • @coldandtired said in Nice things in nodeBB:

    make something like XenForo work the way NodeBB/Diss&Curse want to work

    Well, you could just unplug the server that XenForo is running on every so often.

    I wonder how I'm going to ever figure out what's hanging the server. If it was written in Go I could get a stack trace for every goroutine along with other profiling-related stuff just by import _ "net/http/pprof".

    I'm not even sure if NodeJS is capable of giving a useful stack trace.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ben_lubar said in Nice things in nodeBB:

    I'm not even sure if NodeJS is capable of giving a useful stack trace.

    That's virtually all event-driven continuations, so no, it doesn't; there's not much stack to trace. Instead, it's all complicated nests of closures waiting on events…

  • @ben_lubar said in Nice things in nodeBB:

    Well, you could just unplug the server that XenForo is running on every so often.


  • @ben_lubar said in Nice things in nodeBB:

    Well, you could just unplug the server that XenForo is running on every so often.

    I didn't mean the cooties (whatever that word means) but the desired running. Could XenForo be skinned to look like D&C and have plugins add the Infiniscroll and whatever else is part of :doing_it_wrong:'s vision?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @coldandtired said in Nice things in nodeBB:

    Could XenForo be skinned to look like D&C and have plugins add the Infiniscroll and whatever else is part of 's vision?

    I think that's probably what the Flarum guys are trying to do.

    Not sure where they are now but when we were looking at them their software was promising but very immature.

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