Could I get a translation

  • Questioner:      sameera
    Category:     Java
    Private:     No
    Subject:     calander
    Question:     i want Java program..which after i run that.. then ask from user the first day of year and the year.... and then print the calendar of year which user typed by showing all month and days on that year.... TNX allot...

  • So the Java program should ask for the year and the first day of the year (which I assume means what day of the week the year starts with, since "Jan 1" doesn't really help). It should then display a calendar showing all months of that year.

    Pretty simple request. A few observations:
    1. It sounds distinctly like a homework question.
    2. You don't need to be told what day of the week Jan 1 is. You can calculate it.
    3. You don't really have to calculate anything -- just use a GregorianCalendar object.
    4. You don't really have to use GregorianCalendar, either. Runtime.getRuntime.exec("cal "+year)

  • Plz sned me teh codez.

    Reminds me of a programming assignment I had when I was taking PASCAL at the wee age of 15.  Except it was for a month and it accepted the first day and the number of days.

  • i want Java program..which after i run that..

    This supports my theory that the two point ellipse is a surefire indicator that the author is insane. Do I need to mention that Spectate Swamp is also very fond of it?

    Keep your eyes open and you'll find many more examples.

  • Translation not found??

  • @PSWorx said:

    i want Java program..which after i run that..

    This supports my theory that the two point ellipse is a surefire indicator that the author is insane.

    Well, only implicitly. Explicitly, it's a sure-fire indicator that the author is using MS Word to compose their email

    That is, of course, as you infer, a fairly sure sign that the author is insane. 


  • Are we posting message board questions with extremely bad English today?

    Oh heck I'll play

    Admit have a var "my_var" filled with USER1, is possible to find in Outllok address list if USER1 existis if existis resolve the USER1 and return complete name...

  • please also send me the translations thanks

  • @DaveK said:

    @PSWorx said:

    i want Java program..which after i run that..

    This supports my theory that the two point ellipse is a surefire indicator that the author is insane.

    Well, only implicitly. Explicitly, it's a sure-fire indicator that the author is using MS Word to compose their email

    That is, of course, as you infer, a fairly sure sign that the author is insane. 



    What does Word do that produces a double dot?  I've seen that plenty of times; they can't all be due to MS.

    I also have one guy who keeps putting a double comma after "Thanks", but I suspect he just typo'd his .sig. 

  • @belgariontheking said:

    Plz sned me teh codez.

    Reminds me of a programming assignment I had when I was taking PASCAL at the wee age of 15.  Except it was for a month and it accepted the first day and the number of days.


    Plz send me teh codez, indeed! Nothing that a GregorianCalendar can't do. new GregorianCalentar(year,0,1);

    The best "help me do mah homework" situation ever must have been that dude who just didn't get it, and tried to compile my whole explanation, thinking it was "teh codez". Copied it down to the

    // this is where you should add stuff to do when expr1 is true

  • @cconroy said:

    What does Word do that produces a double dot?  I've seen that plenty of times; they can't all be due to MS.
    I think what he's referring to is that if you type dot dot into word, it makes it an ellipse.

    I would verify this, but where would this forum be if people didn't make claims without backing them up? 

  • @belgariontheking said:

    where would this forum be if people didn't make claims without backing them up? 

    Wait... Did asuffield come back?

  •  @belgariontheking said:

    @cconroy said:

    What does Word do that produces a double dot?  I've seen that plenty of times; they can't all be due to MS.
    I think what he's referring to is that if you type dot dot into word, it makes it an ellipse.

    I would verify this, but where would this forum be if people didn't make claims without backing them up? 

    Autocorrect changes ... into an ellipsis (… or \u2026) (not an ellipse, that's a conic section) when it detects the end of a word (by you typing a non-alphanumeric character).

     I think the double dots are just typos.

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