Any price you want

  •  Damn, I'm made of fail.  :-(

  • @rc_pinchey said:

     Damn, I'm made of fail.  :-(

    Also: AIDS.


    Also: Your avatar looks like a raccoon. 

  • You need to start with a closing "</div>" tag.

  • plz send codes

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    							        <img src="" mce_src="" alt="" style="border-width: 0px;">
    							        Tue, Apr 15 2008 10:31 PM    
    							    <td align="right"><a>In reply to</a></td>
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    							    <ul class="ForumPostUserPropertyList">
    								    <li class="ForumPostUserName"><img src="" mce_src="" alt="" style="border-width: 0px;"><a>Signature Guy</a></li>
    								    <li class="ForumPostUserAvatar"><img src="" mce_src="" alt="" style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; max-height: 80px; max-width: 80px;"></li>
    							            <li class="ForumPostUserIcons"><img src="" title="Not Ranked" alt="Not Ranked" mce_src=""></li>
    							            <li class="ForumPostUserAttribute">In A.D. 2101</li>
    							            <li class="ForumPostUserAttribute">War Was Beginning</li>
    							            <li class="ForumPostUserAttribute">Posts <a>-1</a></li>
    						    <td class="ForumPostContentArea">
    							    <div class="ForumPostTitleArea">
    							    <h4 class="ForumPostTitle">All Hail Signature Guy</h4>
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    									<p>Some of the styles are a bit tricky to get right, though, but at first glance it can be quite convincing.</p></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></div></li>

  • I am hoping for a nice four-letter reply.

    						    <td class="ForumPostFooterArea">	
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    							        <img src="" alt="" style="border-width: 0px;">
    							        Tue, Apr 17 2008 11:31 PM    
    							    <td align="right"><a>In reply to</a></td>
    				    <table style="border: 0px none ; width: 100%;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
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    							    <div class="ForumPostUserContent">
    							    <ul class="ForumPostUserPropertyList">
    								    <li class="ForumPostUserName"><img src="" alt="" style="border-width: 0px;"><a>Signature Guy</a></li>
    								    <li class="ForumPostUserAvatar"><img src="" alt="" style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; max-height: 80px; max-width: 80px;"></li>
    							            <li class="ForumPostUserIcons"><img title="Not Ranked" alt="Not Ranked" src=""></li>
    							            <li class="ForumPostUserAttribute">In A.D. 2101</li>
    							            <li class="ForumPostUserAttribute">War Was Beginning</li>
    							            <li class="ForumPostUserAttribute">Posts <a>-4</a></li>
    						    <td class="ForumPostContentArea">
    							    <div class="ForumPostTitleArea">
    							    <h4 class="ForumPostTitle">biel^WSignature Guy fails at posting</h4>
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  • @bielawski said:

    plz send codes



    Version: 3.1

    GCS d- s:- a- C+++$ UL++>$ P+++$ L+++>$ !E--- W+++ N+ o K--? w$ !O M+$ V PS+ PE Y+ PGP !t !5 !X R tv-- b+++ DI+ D G e++ h+ r? z?

    ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------

         00 nul   01 soh   02 stx   03 etx   04 eot   05 enq   06 ack   07 bel
         08 bs    09 ht    0a nl    0b vt    0c np    0d cr    0e so    0f si
         10 dle   11 dc1   12 dc2   13 dc3   14 dc4   15 nak   16 syn   17 etb
         18 can   19 em    1a sub   1b esc   1c fs    1d gs    1e rs    1f us
         20 sp    21  !    22  "    23  #    24  $    25  %    26  &    27  '
         28  (    29  )    2a  *    2b  +    2c  ,    2d  -    2e  .    2f  /
         30  0    31  1    32  2    33  3    34  4    35  5    36  6    37  7
         38  8    39  9    3a  :    3b  ;    3c  <    3d  =    3e  >    3f  ?
         40  @    41  A    42  B    43  C    44  D    45  E    46  F    47  G
         48  H    49  I    4a  J    4b  K    4c  L    4d  M    4e  N    4f  O
         50  P    51  Q    52  R    53  S    54  T    55  U    56  V    57  W
         58  X    59  Y    5a  Z    5b  [    5c  \    5d  ]    5e  ^    5f  _
         60  `    61  a    62  b    63  c    64  d    65  e    66  f    67  g
         68  h    69  i    6a  j    6b  k    6c  l    6d  m    6e  n    6f  o
         70  p    71  q    72  r    73  s    74  t    75  u    76  v    77  w
         78  x    79  y    7a  z    7b  {    7c  |    7d  }    7e  ~    7f del


  • txh0rz!!!!!!!!11

  • I suck at this.


    							    <div><span id="ctl00_ctl00_bcr_bcr_ctl00_PostList_ctl06_ctl23_ctl01">Filed under: <a href="/tags/fake/default.aspx" mce_href="/tags/fake/default.aspx" rel="fake">TSA</a></span><input name="ctl00$ctl00$bcr$bcr$ctl00$PostList$ctl06$ctl23$ctl01" id="ctl00_ctl00_bcr_bcr_ctl00_PostList_ctl06_ctl23_ctl01_State" value="nochange" type="hidden"></div>
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    							        <img src="" mce_src="" alt="" style="border-width: 0px;">
    							        Tue, Apr 17 2008 11:31 PM    
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    								    <li class="ForumPostUserName"><img src="" mce_src="" alt="" style="border-width: 0px;"><a>Signature Guy</a></li>
    								    <li class="ForumPostUserAvatar"><img src="" mce_src="" alt="" style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; max-height: 80px; max-width: 80px;"></li>
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    							            <li class="ForumPostUserAttribute">In A.D. 2101</li>
    							            <li class="ForumPostUserAttribute">War Was Beginning</li>
    							            <li class="ForumPostUserAttribute">Posts <a>-4</a></li>
    						    <td class="ForumPostContentArea">
    							    <div class="ForumPostTitleArea">
    							    <h4 class="ForumPostTitle">Signature Guy says...</h4>
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    								    <div class="ForumPostContentText">
    									<p>Yes, you do indeed suck at this. It must be something to do with the way you can't get it to stop stripping the &lt;/div&gt; tags out of your posts. LAME.<br></p>

  • Indeed, you weren't able to follow simple instructions - you have to rearrange the HTML you get for a single post so that you end your post BEFORE you begin the fake one.

    P.S. If you don't get this note, let me know and I'll write you another.
    			    <div class="ForumPostArea">
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    					    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border:0px; width:100%">
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    							    <td align="left">
    							        <img src="/Themes/leanandgreen/images/icon_post_show.gif" alt="" style="border-width:0px;" />
    							        Fri, Apr 18 2008 8:39 AM
    							    <td align="right"><a href="?">In reply to</a></td>
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    								    <li class="ForumPostUserName"><img src="/Themes/leanandgreen/images/user_IsOnline.gif" alt="" style="border-width:0px;" /><a>Signature Guy</a></li>
    								    <li class="ForumPostUserAvatar"><img src="/utility/anonymous.gif" alt="" style="border-width:1px;border-style:solid;max-height:80px;max-width:80px;" /></li>
    							            <li class="ForumPostUserIcons"><img title="Not Ranked" alt="Not Ranked" src="/Themes/leanandgreen/images/rankicons/rank0.gif" /></li>
    							            <li class="ForumPostUserAttribute">All Your Base Are</li>
    							            <li class="ForumPostUserAttribute">Belong To Us</li>
    							            <li class="ForumPostUserAttribute">Posts <a href="?">2147483647</a></li>
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    							    <h4 class="ForumPostTitle">Some More Tips</h4>
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    								    <div class="ForumPostContentText">
    									<p>Also, Community Server discards the "border", "width", and "height" properties from the TABLE tag, so you'll need to readd them as CSS properties in the "style" attribute.</p>

  • Let's see if I can manage to pull it off.

    Time has no meaning in The Matrix In reply to
    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border:0px;width:100%;">
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                        <li class="ForumPostUserName"><img src="" alt="" style="border-width:0px;" /><a>The Architect</a></li>
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                        Re: Any price you want
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    Mike check 1, 2, 1, 2...

  • The failures are starting to remind me of other forums where people use huge images as their signatures.  The trouble is that the entire post box is filled with so many images that it's tough (sometimes) to find the actual post.

    Yes, I am a Bengals fan.  Yes, I know this year is going to suck for us.

  • The source of the name "Signature Guy" was the [b]old[/b] Keenspot forums which ran an ancient version of UBB that stored static HTML for all threads, where somebody used this sort of trick with their Signature to automatically apply it to every message they posted.

  • @belgariontheking said:

    Yes, I am a Bengals fan.

    And you admitted this in public? Wow! 

  • Interesting - not only can such HTML be embedded within posts, but it is also possible to place it inside signatures, thus allowing me to create a TRUE Signature Guy which follows me everywhere and automatically agrees with all of my posts.

  • @KenW said:

    @belgariontheking said:

    Yes, I am a Bengals fan.

    And you admitted this in public? Wow! 

    Yep.  Wouldn't be much of a fan if I hid in the corner, would I?

  • @Quietust said:

    Interesting - not only can such HTML be embedded within posts, but it is also possible to place it inside signatures, thus allowing me to create a TRUE Signature Guy which follows me everywhere and automatically agrees with all of my posts.

    Challenge #1 --

        Difficulty: Have the username randomzied from regular forum posters, pulling in their post counts and emulating their current signatures.


    Challenge #2 --

        Difficulty: Write a version for MasterPlanSoftware to add to his sig that flames him at random from a randomly-generated username with a post count in the single digits.  This will save the retarded and mentally unstable communities hundreds of man-hours a week, valuable time that can be applied to screaming at cars and collecting pocket lint.

  •  @Quietust said:

    Indeed, you weren't able to follow simple instructions - you have to rearrange the HTML you get for a single post so that you end your post BEFORE you begin the fake one.

    Right, so what am I doing wrong here...?

    <div class="ForumPostSignature">Fake Sig</div>
    <tr valign="bottom">
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    <li><a href="/forums/ReportAbuse.aspx?ForumID=1&amp;ReportPostID=161022">Report abuse</a></li>
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    <a name="161022"></a>
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    <a href="/forums/p/8425/161022.aspx#161022"><img src="/Themes/leanandgreen/images/icon_post_show.gif" alt="" style="border-width:0px;" /></a>
    Fri, Apr 18 2008 3:04 PM
    </td><td align="right">

    <a href="/forums/p/8425/160983.aspx#160983">In reply to</a>
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    <img src="/Themes/leanandgreen/images/user_IsOffline.gif" alt="" style="border-width:0px;" />
    <a href="/members/FAKENAME.aspx">FAKENAME</a>
    <li class="ForumPostUserAvatar"><img src="/users/avatar.aspx?userid=1" alt="" style="border-width:1px;border-style:solid;max-height:80px;max-width:80px;" /></li>

    <li class="ForumPostUserIcons"><img title="Top 10 Contributor" alt="Top 10 Contributor" src="/Themes/leanandgreen/images/rankicons/rankTop10.gif" /></li>
    <li class="ForumPostUserAttribute">Joined on Mon, Jan 01 1847</li>
    <li class="ForumPostUserAttribute">123 Fake Street, Springfield</li>
    <li class="ForumPostUserAttribute">Posts <a href="/search/SearchResults.aspx?u=1&amp;o=DateDescending">-10</a></li>

    <td class="ForumPostContentArea">
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    <h4 class="ForumPostTitle">
    Re: Any price you want

    <div class="ForumPostThreadStatus">
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    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" height="100%" style="table-layout: fixed;border-width:0px;height:100%;width:100%;">
    <div class="ForumPostBodyArea">
    <div class="ForumPostContentText">
    <p>Fake post text</p>


  •  @rc_pinchey said:

    Right, so what am I doing wrong here...?

    Oh, and feel free to mock me, I'm well aware that I really should have figured this one out by now. HTML ain't my bag, baby... 

  • The HTML you just pasted should work properly - your previous attempts neglected to rearrange it, resulting in the extra post appearing inside your own instead of below it.

  • @rc_pinchey said:

    Oh, and feel free to mock me, I'm well aware that I really should have figured this one out by now. HTML ain't my bag, baby...

    Check your "Inbox" on this forum. I forgot to mention that obviously you need to use the plain-text editor.

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    Challenge #2 --

        Difficulty: Write a version for MasterPlanSoftware to add to his sig that flames him at random from a randomly-generated username with a post count in the single digits.  This will save the retarded and mentally unstable communities hundreds of man-hours a week, valuable time that can be applied to screaming at cars and collecting pocket lint.



  • Many thanks to everyone who helped me out on this, I like to think I've learned a few things- and I'll be sure to use my new powers responsibly.

    Hmm... does this mean you guys are 1337 h4x0r5 and I'm a script kiddie? That's embarrassing.

    Fri, Apr 18 2008 4:16 PM In reply to
    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border:0px;width:100%;">
        <tr valign=top>
            <td rowspan="2" class="ForumPostUserArea">
                <div class="ForumPostUserContent">
                    <ul class="ForumPostUserPropertyList">
                        <li class="ForumPostUserName"><img src="" alt="" style="border-width:0px;" /><a>Signature Guy</a></li>
                        <li class="ForumPostUserAvatar"><img src="/utility/anonymous.gif" alt="" style="border-width:1px;border-style:solid;max-height:80px;max-width:80px;" /></li>
                        <li class="ForumPostUserIcons"><img title="Top 10 Contributor" alt="Top 10 Contributor" src="/Themes/leanandgreen/images/rankicons/rankTop10.gif" /></li>
                        <li class="ForumPostUserAttribute">Fake Entity</li>
                        <li class="ForumPostUserAttribute">Posts &#8734;</li>
            <td class="ForumPostContentArea">
                <div class="ForumPostTitleArea">
                    <h4 class="ForumPostTitle">
                        And another thing...
                    <div class="ForumPostThreadStatus">
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                        <a class="CommonImageTextButton CommonReplyButton">Reply</a>
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                        <div class="ForumPostBodyArea">
                            <div class="ForumPostContentText">
    									    <p>Signature Guy would like to hug you all... but unfortunately he can't, as he has no arms. This makes Signature Guy sad, which ironically means that he now needs a hug.</p>

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    Challenge #1 --

        Difficulty: Have the username randomzied from regular forum posters, pulling in their post counts and emulating their current signatures.

    Unfortunately, this does not appear to be possible - the only way I could make it dynamic would be to embed Javascript or use an <object> tag to load it dynamically from another location, and Community Server appears to explicitly seek out and escape all object/script tags and their contents (equivalent of htmlentities()); bizzarely, it completely ignores all other HTML it sees.

  • @Quietust said:

    Unfortunately, this does not appear to be possible - the only way I could make it dynamic would be to embed Javascript or use an <object> tag to load it dynamically from another location
    Have GreaseMonkey fill it out for you.

  • New Opera user script

    @AbbydonKrafts said:

    Minor change

    Here's the complete script that will generate a tags like the ones I have now. You can alter the "mod_names" array in "rand_module" as you see fit.

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // : Generates a random "TagException" tag for new forum posts
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    function rand_addr()
        var a = "";
        for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            a += Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16);
        return a;
    function rand_module()
        var mod_names = new Array('EXPLORER.EXE', 'MFC40.DLL', 'MFC70.DLL', 'MSHTML.DLL', 
            'MSVBVM50.DLL', 'MSVBVM60.DLL', 'MSVCP50.DLL', 'MSVCP60.DLL', 'MSVCP70.DLL', 
            'SYSTEM32.DLL', 'USER32.DLL', 'VB40032.DLL');
        var max_val = mod_names.length;
        var rand_idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * max_val);
        return mod_names[rand_idx];
    function generateTags()
        var elm = document.getElementById("ctl00_ctl00_bcr_bcr_PostForm_ctl04_TagsSubForm_ctl00_Tags");
        if (elm)
            if (elm.value.length == 0)
                var tagex = "TagException at 0x" + rand_addr();
                tagex += " in " + rand_module();
                elm.value = "throw new TagException(), " + tagex;
    function countTagExceptions()
        var all_tags = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
        var tagex_count = 0;
        var tagex_bytes = 0;
        var curr_idx = 0;
        var end_idx = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < all_tags.length; i++)
            if (all_tags[i].id.indexOf("AllTags") != -1)
                all_tags = all_tags[i].value;
                // Count the older TagExceptions
                while (curr_idx != -1)
                    curr_idx = all_tags.indexOf("TagException+in+0x", curr_idx);
                    if (curr_idx != -1)
                        end_idx = all_tags.indexOf("&", curr_idx);
                        tagex_bytes += (end_idx - curr_idx);
                // Count the newer TagExceptions that include a module name
                curr_idx = 0;
                while (curr_idx != -1)
                    curr_idx = all_tags.indexOf("TagException+at+0x", curr_idx);
                    if (curr_idx != -1)
                        end_idx = all_tags.indexOf("&", curr_idx);
                        tagex_bytes += (end_idx - curr_idx);
                var report_elm = document.createElement("div");
                report_elm.innerHTML = "TagExceptions: " + tagex_count + 
                    ", Bytes: " + tagex_bytes + 
                    ", All Tags Bytes: " + all_tags.length;
       = "absolute";
       = "127px";
       = "300px";
                // = "#ECECEC";
                // = "1px solid #000000";
       = "6px";
       = "bold";
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (location.href.indexOf('') != -1)
            function (e)
                if( !document.body ) { return; }

    Time has no meaning in The Matrix In reply to
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    									    <p>Don't you think this is getting a little out of hand?</p>

  • @morbiuswilters said:


        Difficulty: Write a version for MasterPlanSoftware to add to his sig that flames him at random from a randomly-generated username with a post count in the single digits.  This will save the retarded and mentally unstable communities hundreds of man-hours a week, valuable time that can be applied to screaming at cars and collecting pocket lint.

    There goes my weekend!  Now I'll be spending the whole thing writing and testing this.

  • @bstorer said:

    Have GreaseMonkey fill it out for you.

    But then it would only work for me, not everybody else - since I'm currently doing it as a Signature, it is automatically appended to ALL of my posts EVERYWHERE on the forum.

    On a side note, the forums don't seem to block <object> tags inside the message body itself, but it would appear that most browsers don't allow using them to load HTML content from a different site.

  • I'm starting to think Community Server was chosen deliberately so that tearing it to pieces would provide an extra layer of forum entertainment. 

  • @jjeff1 said:

    I was showing a friend the shore excursions for a cruise I'm taking. I cut and pasted a URL to a particular event, it looks like this:

    Check out the last variable in the URL. Yes, it really works. Go ahead and change the tour price to $2 or $84234 or whatever you'd like.

    Now, I think I understand why they did this. You only see the page with the numeric price if you're booked on a cruise and signed in to the site. You can "buy now", which shows the correct price, no matter how you've messed with that URL. If you're just browsing their site, not booked, then the pages just display a number of $ marks, depending on how costly the excursion is. I'd guess this lets them use the same code for the booked passengers as for people just browsing the site.

     Too bad, I was really looking forward to playing 18 holes for $4.

    You can make it cost Google!!

    <iframe src='"' width=200 height=200></iframe>

  • @rc_pinchey said:

    I'm starting to think Community Server was chosen deliberately so that tearing it to pieces would provide an extra layer of forum entertainment.

    How odd. The thread was locked after you posted this, but now it's not. O_o

  • @AbbydonKrafts said:

    How odd. The thread was locked after you posted this, but now it's not. O_o

    Shhh.. perhaps Community Server is achieving sentience.. 

  • Further attempts to reverse-engineer CS have resulted in my discovery that any time the tags are edited using the "Edit Tags" link the hidden form field with ALL tags in it is posted back to the server.  This means that at present editing your tags requires you to upload 200k to the server.

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    any time the tags are edited using the "Edit Tags" link the hidden form field with ALL tags in it is posted back to the server.

    I wondered why it took so friggin' long to do it that way.

  • @AbbydonKrafts said:

    I wondered why it took so friggin' long to do it that way.

    Yeah, I never would have guessed.

  •  Hmm..

  • @morbiuswilters said:


    Got it working, did you?  Is it slow as hell?

  • @bstorer said:

    @morbiuswilters said:


    Got it working, did you?  Is it slow as hell?

    Very close.  It should end up being quite a bit faster than the real edit tags feature because it doesn't post all 160k of tags in the AJAX call. 

  • Test. 

  • @morbiuswilters said:



  • @bstorer said:

    @morbiuswilters said:



    Wrong!  All that's left is getting the existing tags and replacing __LINE__ 

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    @bstorer said:

    @morbiuswilters said:



    Wrong!  All that's left is getting the existing tags and replacing __LINE__ 

    Out of curiosity, how are you detecting that you've posted?

  • @bstorer said:

    Out of curiosity, how are you detecting that you've posted?

    Loop through all anchors on the page, if any contain the text "[Edit Tags]", grab them and check them to see if __LINE__ appears in the text.  The problem is that tags don't seem to be stored in any sane format..  I think I'm going to have to parse the actual HTML itself..  bah.

  • Another try... 

  • Bah.

  •  Last try for today!

  •  YES!  Messy as heck, but here's the basics: 

    var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("a");

    for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) {
    if (anchors[i].innerHTML.indexOf("[Edit Tags]") != -1) {

    function update_tags_with_post_number(elm)

    if (elm.parentNode.innerHTML.indexOf("__LINE__") != -1) {
        var post_url = document.location.href;
        var frag_pos = post_url.indexOf("#");
        if (frag_pos &gt; -1) {
            post_url = post_url.substring(0, frag_pos);
        var post_id = post_url.substring((post_url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1), (post_url.length - 5));
        var tags = "";
        var tags_cont = elm.parentNode.firstChild;
        for (var i = 0; i &lt; tags_cont.childNodes.length; i++) {
            if (tags_cont.childNodes[i].childNodes.length) {
                tags += tags_cont.childNodes[i].childNodes[0].data + "; ";
                if (tags_cont.childNodes[i].childNodes[0].data.indexOf("__LINE__") != -1) {
                    tags_cont.childNodes[i].childNodes[0].data = tags_cont.childNodes[i].childNodes[0].data.replace("__LINE__", post_id);
        tags = tags.replace("__LINE__", post_id);
        var vstate = document.getElementById("__VIEWSTATE").value;
        var cb_param = "saveAndFormat:" + post_id + ":" + tags;
        var cb_id = "ctl00$ctl00$bcr$bcr$ctl00$PostList$ctl03$ctl23$ctl00";
        var post_data = "__EVENTTARGET=&amp;__EVENTARGUMENT=&amp;__VIEWSTATE=" + encodeURI(vstate) + "&amp;__CALLBACKID=" + encodeURI(cb_id) + "&amp;__CALLBACKPARAM=" + encodeURI(cb_param);
            method: "POST",
            url:    post_url,
            headers: {
                "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
            data:   post_data


  • @morbiuswilters said:

    @bstorer said:

    Out of curiosity, how are you detecting that you've posted?

    Loop through all anchors on the page, if any contain the text "[Edit Tags]", grab them and check them to see if __LINE__ appears in the text.  The problem is that tags don't seem to be stored in any sane format..  I think I'm going to have to parse the actual HTML itself..  bah.


    So out of curiousity, what happens if I were to, say, do this:

    __LINE__, bstorer is awesome!, [Edit Tags]

  • @bstorer said:

    So out of curiousity, what happens if I were to, say, do this:

    __LINE__, bstorer is awesome!, [Edit Tags]

    Hmm..  Not sure.  It does't throw any errors but it might be sending invalid AJAX requests.. 

  • @morbiuswilters said:


    Hmm..  Not sure.  It does't throw any errors but it might be sending invalid AJAX requests.. 

    Looks like it.  I was really hoping it would wind up filing my bonus tag through some screwy flaw in this otherwise outstanding forum software.

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    The problem is that tags don't seem to be stored in any sane format..  I think I'm going to have to parse the actual HTML itself..  bah.

    That's Community Server for you.

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