In which asdf realizes he's as fucked as NeighborhoodButcher

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

    Continuing the discussion from Smart pointers, the Tizen way:

    @NeighborhoodButcher said:

    At least projects there didn't live in two different unsynchronized version control systems simultaneously.

    The project I'm currently working on has exactly the same problem. In the beginning, all the code lived in one repository, managed by a sane version control system and all was well. Then another team contributed some code and demanded that we use their own, custom "version control" system which is full of WTFs and fails to complete even basic tasks in under 30 minutes. We, of course, politely told them that we'd rather retire than use their pile of 💩.

    So the code for our application is being developed in two different repositories now. Our repository contains code of reasonable quality that is actually unit/integration tested and works. Their repository, on the other hand, contains code that doesn't even compile most of the time. Which is not surprising, given the fact that they don't even have a build script. They've been building their project manually for years and I'm pretty sure they don't even know what a CI server is.

    Guess from which repository the final product that is shipped to our customers is built?

  • Banned

    It sounds like these are two separate products that just happen to do the same thing and be financed from the same pile of money.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

    @asdf said:

    Guess from which repository the final product that is shipped to our customers is built?

    Since the other guys probably work way faster since they don't waste their time with... what did you call it.... youKnitt-test, I am guessing theirs.
    But I am willing you give you guys a last chance. There is an old lady across the street. I have seen her wear a knitted scarf before. I will add her to your team so you guys don't have to worry about knitting tests anymore.
    Now go back to work and finish the 2 months project in 5 days so I can brag to my superiors how well I handled the situation!

    Filed Under: /PHB

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

    @Gaska said:

    It sounds like these are two separate products that just happen to do the same thing and be financed from the same pile of money.

    Well, in theory, we build a library and they integrate it into their product. In practice, we build a complete product and they rape it (integrate their buggy plugin) and put a different, inferior UI on top. The only reason we deal with their shit is that they have the customer connections and we don't.

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