Markdown processing bjorked

  • When a post contains more than one code block with an invalid hint, markdown past the first code block is not parsed until a code block with no hint or a valid hint is encountered.

    ###Lorem ipsum dolor

    This code block has an invalid hint

    crap why doesn't formatting work now?

    This code block has the same invalid hint

    :wtf: why isn't formatting still working

    This block has no hint
    • seriously discourse, :WTF:

  • Update:

    When a post contains more than one code block, at least one of which has an invalid hint, markdown between the code block with the invalid hint and the last code block on the page is not processed.

    ###Lorem ipsum dolor

    This code block has an invalid hint

    crap why doesn't formatting work now?

    This code block has the same invalid hint

    :wtf: why isn't formatting still working

    This block has no hint
    • seriously discourse, :WTF:

  • Saying that Markdown is a buggy POS is sort of like saying that water is a damp substance.

  • @tar said:

    water is a damp substance

    But isn't dampness or even moistness an essental part of the feature list of...Never mind.

  • FoxDev

    @PWolff said:

    But isn't dampness or even moistness an essental part of the feature list of.

    i would describe water being damp as "Necessary but not sufficient"

    That is water must have the dampness property, but having the dampness property does not classify a thing as water

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