WorseThanFailure WTF

  • This is my first post, so please be gentle.  Actually, I don't care what anyone says.  I know this isn't the place for WTF site typos, but I'm going to post one anyway.  Can you spot it?  Here's a hint: It's in the bottom right corner, near the word "Advertismentss."  This is a huge WTF and clearly demonstrates a lack of understanding of good web design.  Any experienced programmer would have immediately noticed the problem and worked to resolve it.  No, I've never misspelled a word.  Ever.  TunnelRat, are you out there?



  • @purge said:

    TunnelRat, are you out there?

    No, don't do that!  He's like Beetlejuice.   If you say his name three times, he'll appear in front of you, and haunt you for the rest of your life.

    You've said it twice:  once in your post and once in your tags. 

    OOPS, I guess in my quoting of you, I made you say it a third time!  I hope it doesn't work 

  • I'm pretty sure that is intentional whimsy.


    (Uh, though maybe your post is itself intentionally whimsical?  But my brain cannot handle more than one level of whimsy-indirection.)

  • @purge said:

    This is my first post, so please be gentle.  Actually, I don't care what anyone says.  I know this isn't the place for WTF site typos, but I'm going to post one anyway.  Can you spot it?  Here's a hint: It's in the bottom right corner, near the word "Advertismentss."  This is a huge WTF and clearly demonstrates a lack of understanding of good web design.  Any experienced programmer would have immediately noticed the problem and worked to resolve it.  No, I've never misspelled a word.  Ever.  TunnelRat, are you out there?

    I suggest you channel your energy elsewhere. 

  • Great screenshot - now your account will get banned for blocking ads. Remember Alex is watching - always! :)

    OTOH - what's the deal with displaying static non-wtf jobs with JS? WTF? My Noscript says no... 

  • @viraptor said:

    OTOH - what's the deal with displaying static non-wtf jobs with JS? WTF? My Noscript says no... 

    Well, I don't know about Alex, but I do something similar.  To try not to take up too much CPU time, most of the pages are static HTML generated by a cron job.  Things that might change regularly are lumped in with the ads and displayed by Javascript.  Although judging by the .aspx in the URL, that's not the case here.

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