Wufoo Negative Forms

  • First off, Hello, my name is Stephen, I'm new to the forums be have been reading WTF for quite some time now.

    Thought I'd share an error I came across today. It seems I have less forms that I initially thought. I only have 1 form in my account and it's a free account which gets 5 forms, so does this mean I actually get 8? 



    I'll be adding more Errors in the future :)



  • I don't know how you got 8 out of 5 and -2; but none the less TRWTF is they asterisk the user name field.

  • I've currently got 1 form and have -2 left out of 5. This make a total of 8 :)

    The asterisks in the username field was just to hide my full name :D

  • @GateKiller said:

    I've currently got 1 form and have -2 left out of 5. This make a total of 8 :)

    //Compile me, I'm C
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main() {
      int num;
      num = 1 + (-2) + 5;
      printf("num = %d\n", num);
      return 0;

  • Hahahaha, oh wow.

    Here, I'll spell it out for you so that you don't mess up and embarrass yourself again:

    He has one (1) real form already. His upper limit is five (5), and his current count is minus two (-2). This means that he has seven (7 = 5 - (-2)) empty slots into which forms can go. Seven available slots, plus his one already-existing form make a total of eight forms (8 = 7 + 1). Do you understand?

    This is, of course, assuming that all forms have a weight of 1.

  • @Lingerance said:

    @GateKiller said:

    I've currently got 1 form and have -2 left out of 5. This make a total of 8 :)

    //Compile me, I'm C
    #include <stdio.h>

    int main() {
    int num;

    num = 1 + (-2) + 5;
    printf("num = %d\n", num);

    return 0;
    #patch me, i'm a unified diff
    --- test_old.c  2007-11-14 16:27:25.265639105 +0100
    +++ test.c      2007-11-14 16:26:53.263815386 +0100
    @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
     int main() {
       int num;
    -  num = 1 + (-2) + 5;
    +  num = 1 - (-2) + 5;
       printf("num = %d\n", num);
       return 0;

    I think you've ruined your reputation :D

  • @GateKiller said:
    I've currently got 1 form and have -2 left out of 5. This make a total of 8 :)
    I'm confused too. If you have -2 forms left out of five, then you would have had -1 forms to begin with, since you've only used one. Do you mean that -2 is the number of forms you've already used, whereas the 1 is still active and thus doesn't count as used?

  • trwtf is this site's fricking AWFUL name and the fact that there's no T in it so I can't imagine it as someone pronouncing WTF as a word.

    Perhaps if they changed the site's name to wutufoo it would be better. 

  • @Faxmachinen said:

    @GateKiller said:
    I've currently got 1 form and have -2 left out of 5. This make a total of 8 :)
    I'm confused too. If you have -2 forms left out of five, then you would have had -1 forms to begin with, since you've only used one. Do you mean that -2 is the number of forms you've already used, whereas the 1 is still active and thus doesn't count as used?


    Seeing how the previous example didn't help you I'll get even more elemtary.

    You can have 5 forms.

    Your current form count is -3

    You create one form.

    Your current form count is -2

    Continuing this until your form count is 5 actually gets you 8 forms total. 

    Most counts start at 0, Wufoo apparently figures this is so conformist and instead starts counting at -3 because that is so 1337. 


  • It could be that each form has a weight of -2. Therefore while his upper limit is 5, each added form will decrease the count by 2 and he will never reach the upper limit.

  • The Real WTF (TM) is that they're pretentious enough to have a quote at the top saying "To thine own self be true"...


  • @KattMan said:
    You can have 5 forms.
    Your current form count is -3
    You create one form.
    Your current form count is -2
    Continuing this until your form count is 5 actually gets you 8 forms total.
    Oh, I get it now. The "1" is the current form count, the "-2" is also the current form count, and the "5" is the maximum number of forms. Makes perfect sense.
    Seriously though, I can see how you'd get to 8, just not how you'd do it if you go by the nonsense GateKiller is spouting.

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