That's not how <noscript> works.

  • I generally browse with NoScript, so it's never too surprising when I see a snippet of script rendered as text in a page, such as I saw at the bottom of,0,3521364.story:

    But seeing the HTML entities made me suspect something unusual, so I took a look at the source:

    <p><p>Baltimore City Paper, 501 N. Calvert Street, P.O. Box 1377, Baltimore, MD 21278</p>
    <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */var google_conversion_id = 1001362278;var google_conversion_label = "dSLbCJK-vwMQ5qa-3QM";var google_custom_params = window.google_tag_params;var google_remarketing_only = true;/* ]]> */ </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"> </script><noscript>&amp;amp;lt;div style="display:inline;"&amp;amp;gt; &amp;amp;lt;img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src="//;amp;amp;amp;label=dSLbCJK-vwMQ5qa-3QM&amp;amp;amp;amp;guid=ON&amp;amp;amp;amp;script=0 &amp;amp;lt;;amp;amp;amp;label=dSLbCJK-vwMQ5qa-3QM&amp;amp;amp;amp;guid=ON&amp;amp;amp;amp;script=0&amp;amp;gt; "/&amp;amp;gt; &amp;amp;lt;/div&amp;amp;gt;</noscript>

    I don't know which part of '<noscript>' they don't get, but it sure looks like it's the 'no' part!

  • @DaveK said:


    Someone had a problem. So they said "let's escape HTML entities." Now they have &amp;lt;img src=&amp;quot;/images/emoji/emoji_one/two.png?v=0&amp;quot; title=&amp;quot;2⃣&amp;quot; class=&amp;quot;emoji&amp;quot; alt=&amp;quot;two&amp;quot;&amp;gt; problems.

  • For every &amp;amp;amp;amp;
    There is a reason &amp;amp;amp;
    And a style for every purpose under Heaven.

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