Adventures at My New Company - Story #2

  • "Those MySpacers Ruined Everything!"

    In my last story I hinted that the CEO and his higher-ups had no clue about the internet. This is based on several comments I have overheard, just within the short time I've been with the company.

    The first time I heard the CEO talk about the internet was when he came out to speak with a member of the data entry group. It was a very non-technical discussion as you can imagine. Although I did hear the words "import", "export", and "data file". Anyways, the CEO somehow got on the topic of email and viruses. He was explaining how the data entry group should not open any attachments if they did not know the originator. (Doesn't everybody on the planet know this by now?!?) The CEO then went on to make this off-the-wall comment: "Those MySpacers ruined everything! That's why I had our network guys block that site. That was the first site on our list of sites to block. Try it, you can't get there. It's blocked!"

    I think the CEO believes that MySpace is the cause of all internet viruses. That it's some sort of virus manufacturing center. What's funny about it is that most of the employees are 50+ years old. I doubt they've ever been to MySpace ever in their life.

    The second time I overheard the CEO talk about the internet was when he was talking with my boss. They were in the hallway, and I was walking past them to get to the restroom. I remember the somber expression on the CEO's face as he was shaking his head, "The internet is a scary place...a scary place. You have to be careful. If you surf around too much, they get you."

    I hate that I had to keep walking, otherwise it would have looked suspicious, but that was the last I heard.

    It's apparent that the CEO is scared of the big bad internet and all the MySpacers waiting to "get you" when you log on.

  • Pity post.


    Are there balanced, informed, quiet individuals in your day-to-day environment as well?

  • @dhromed said:


    Are there balanced, informed, quiet individuals in your day-to-day environment as well?


  • @CPound said:

    @dhromed said:


    Are there balanced, informed, quiet individuals in your day-to-day environment as well?



    I think YOU are the wack-job, and you're making this stuff up to make it so that you seem normal.  Good for a laugh, though 

  • @TheRubyWarlock said:

    I think YOU are the wack-job, and you're making this stuff up to make it so that you seem normal.

    Is it working? 

  • @CPound said:

    Is it working? 

    No, it's not.  Try a bit harder.   

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