Function callFunction(function)

  • I created a simple website with Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 and just for the fun of it (oh well...) I looked through the code it generated. I was a bit surprised when I found the onClick property of my "Close window" button, and found this:


    instead of this:


    Ok, a bit unexpected, but sure there's gotta be a reason for it. Maybe some advanced error checking? I went through the code again, and found the function:

    function MM_callJS(jsStr) { //v2.0
      return eval(jsStr)

    Version 2.0, you say? Wow! That makes it so much more useful! I guess they ran out of new feutures...

  • Version 1 was:

    var MM_callJS = eval;


     However, the topic is not THAT useless. In fteqcc, this code generates broken output:


     and this works:

    void callFunction(void() func, float arg) { func(arg); }

    callFunction(SomeFunction, arg);

  • But instead of:

    callFunction(SomeFunction, arg);

    can't you just write:


  • Not necessarily, if the SomeFunction pointer-to-function is a variable that you get from somewhere else.  (Or maybe there is some much simpler way to call a pointer-to-function's target - I dunno, I'm not a JS guy.)


  • DW still contains crap JS like that?


  • @emurphy said:

    Not necessarily, if the SomeFunction pointer-to-function is a variable that you get from somewhere else.  (Or maybe there is some much simpler way to call a pointer-to-function's target - I dunno, I'm not a JS guy.)


    Ok, now I get your point. For example, a user could enter a function name in a text input box and execute it. But still, applying it to "window.close()" is pretty damn stupid.

  • @emurphy said:

    Not necessarily, if the SomeFunction pointer-to-function is a variable that you get from somewhere else.  (Or maybe there is some much simpler way to call a pointer-to-function's target - I dunno, I'm not a JS guy.)


    var x = function(){ alert("foo"); }; 

  • var x = 'MM_callJS(x+x);';



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